I got a new job!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
:bunnydance:I'vebeen trying to find a 'real' job in my major since I graduated fromcollegein May 05'. I've been on 5 interviews for these jobsout of hundreds of resumes I sent out. I've had a job in the qualitycontrol department of an online company since last Dec (I work fromhome). But, I just had 2 interviews for a newspaper last week and theycalled me and I got the job! I start on 1/29! :bunnydance:

I feel bad about leaving my buns home alone all day, but atleast they'll have each other now, as opposed to when I worked downtownand Driz was alone! I'm so excited!:colors:

Congratulations! You should be proud of yourself for sticking with it and trying to find that right job!
Congrats to you on the new job! It's alwaysexciting to start on a new adventure, especially when it's doingsomething in your field.


What will you be doing at the paper?

And :goodluckwhen you start! You'll have a wonderful time, I'll bet!
Bassetluv wrote:
Congrats to you on the new job! It's always exciting tostart on a new adventure, especially when it's doing something in yourfield.


What will you be doing at the paper?

And :goodluckwhen you start! You'll have a wonderful time, I'll bet!
Thank you Bassetluv & binkies!

Bassetluv, I'll be doing layout and production at the newspaper. So,basically, I make it :D. I get to cram in the stories alongwith photos, ads etc. It's kind like playing Sudoku...it's a puzzlesometimes! :winkI have the whole sports section (which is hilariousbecause I am not a huge sports fan) and the special sections. The firstone I'll have is one on Valentine's day, which should be fun!
naturestee wrote:
Congrats! That's awesome news!


So what was your major? Graphic arts?
Thanks! Yes, my major was Graphic Design with a minor in Studio Art. Iwas also a class shy of a Art History minor...but they got a newteacher who was CRAZY! She told the class that the only art thatmattered was modern. period. I didn't agree and she told me she'dchange my mind...so I changed classes :D!

But yes, I'm very excited. I have done paper layout and production forthe newspaper on campus in college as part of an unpaid internship, soit's nice to know what I'm getting into.

Next step...buying a car by the 29th. Yikes! Since I work at home, Ididn't need the car and my husband uses it for work duringthe day. And, although I'm working close, I definitely need one. Iswear, searching for one is very annoying and time consuming. :craziness
WOW!! Congratulations!! Ibet it feels nice to finally have the job you'd been working hard forall that time! :D

Wonderful news!!!

Sounds very cool, lalena! Actually I work in aproduction department for the gov't that publishes scientific journals,though I don't do layout myself; my job is to process and pre-editmanuscripts when they are received. I did (and still do) want to learndesktop publishing though...it seems fun to be actually setting up thepaper itself.

I hope you have a wonderful time in your job! Bet you can't wait to start...:)Let us know how it goes!

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