I got a cockatiel!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
I posted about this in my Rainbow Bridge thread, but I know a lot of people avoid RB since it's so depressing. This is happy news though so I thought I'd share.

Arthur, my 10 year old (this month!) cockatiel, lost his mate of 6 years 3 weeks ago. He's been very lonely since Luca died and I've been trying to find him a friend, but cockatiels are hard to come by up here. Imagine my surprise when we walked into Petco last night for bunny treats and instead walked out with an adorable little cockatiel! She was the only one in the cage that's remotely tame and actually let me scratch her head and everything. Arthur is in love already, they're sharing a cage and have been preening each other and hanging out all day.

Arthur is the gray one and the new baby is the other one. I'm pretty sure she's a girl, but I ordered a DNA sexing kit anyway. Isn't she adorable? The black stuff on her face is medicine that wasn't cleaned off properly and has dried. She had an injury at the pet store and was being cared for by the vet (coincidentally, same vet that sees my bunnies!) while she recovered. I'm assuming that's why she's friendly and the other tiels aren't!



"scratch my head!"


Does anyone have suggestions for what to name her? I want a sweet, dainty name because she's sweet and dainty. We like Clementine, Savannah, Sydney, Summer, Piper, Autumn, Dora, Eugenie, Hannelore, Holiday and Sophie.
Oooh congratulations! I adore cockatiels, they are my favourite bird. She's beautiful :inlove:.

You've made me want one very badly now, gah, lol! I have no idea what you should call her though, hmm. My grandma had a cockatiel for 15 years and I named him Alistair when I was little. He was so clever and cute.
Isn't she pretty? I've always loved Lutinos. She's so sweet but shy. I actually heard her chirp! Arthur chirps a lot, and I heard her make one little quiet chirp while he was singing to her. Very cute. Also, I thought of other names: Samantha and Lucy.
Awww, aint she cute! I like Clementine.... the name seems to suit her look for some reason. Congrats to you and Arthur... i'm sure he appreciates a friend!!:hug:
She sounds lovely :D!

Does Arthur talk? Alistair used to sing happy birthday, and say pretty birdy, copy all sorts of noises like telephones ringing and people talking on the radio. He seemed to do it all of his own accord too, no one really encouraged him. They are such smart birds.
No, Arthur doesn't talk. He does wolf whistle and used to imitate the sound of the phone being dialed. He also imitates kissing sounds, which sounds like clucking. Alistair sounded cute! I love the name you picked for him too :biggrin2:
NorthernAutumn wrote:
Guinevere = Gwennie /Gwen

(I personally adore Gwen Stefani too, so it works for me!)
Lol, I told her that but Shiloh didn't seem to bite. I'd have named her that myself. Then again, I had a Wiggles and a Giggles. Lol!
Yeah, I'm not really diggin' Guinevere for some reason. I do like Gwendolen but that would probably just confuse each other. MissBinky, did see Sophie on the list? Hope that doesn't bug you. Paul also liked Sophie for Phoebe Mae when we were trying to name her! Also I thought of Cordelia, Cordee for short. So cute. I may put the naming on hold until we get the results of her DNA test though. I'm thinking Avery if she's a boy because I've always thought that would be a funny name for a bird
(since it sounds like aviary), I even considered naming Arthur that.
You are making me want to get another bird so bad!!!! I love how cockatiels always look like they are smiling. I miss my cockatiel.....anyway, this is about your new birdie :D

I like the name Savannah, it seems to suit her.
Purdy bird!! Sorry just had to say that. She is gorgeous though! I am saving up my money to by a Parrot! I love birds. I think Piper would fit her wonderfully!
Well, I'm putting the naming on hold until I find out if she's a boy or a girl! She's been chirping a lot more tonight, probably because she's starting to feel comfortable. She has the cutest, quietest little chirp. I'm going to keep calling her a her until I find out the sex because it seems mean to say "it". She'll just be Baby Bird until we find out the sex. Once I do find out though, I need to name her quickly... I waited too long to name my favorite cockatiel and he ended up being Little Bird, and Luca was actually just called Yellow Bird (or Meany Bird) for the first 4 years of his life because a name never stuck until then! I don't want this one to be Baby Bird forever.

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