I got a chinchilla! Pictures inside!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Cleveland-area, Ohio, USA

Isn't he just 'dorsable?! My mom got him for me today since she knew I was looking into adopting one and had just lost Harry, my hamster. She wanted me to have some happiness in my life. I know it's so soon after losing Harry, but I'm thrilled and think that adopting a chinchilla in need was an awesome way to honorHarry.

I've decided to name him Riley. He's 4 months old and I've got him set up in a huge NIC pen with a metal drop pan and shelves. He seems happy, but I'm a nervous wreck with all the "what if's?" I've never had a chinchilla, so it's all new to me. I've researched though...I just need to trust. But that's pretty hard when you've just lost a pet you loved dearly, you know?

Well, that's it for now. I just wanted to pop in and show you all my new cutie! Hope you're all having a fab Easter!
Aww he's so cute....we don't have them here in Australia...but how i would really love to see one in real life...but at least i get to seeyour adorable little guy'spictures :)

Awesome :). I love chinchillas, I was looking into fostering awhile back when there was a bunch from a rancher in need of foster homes.

I would recommend covering the grids with hardware cloth though, because I've heard stories of chins and wiring shelving trying to stick their heads through and not being able to get them out because of their ears!

Oh my goodness!! I've always wanted/loved chinchillas! He is soooo adorable!:adorable:

:pleaseplease:Tell me you have more pictures? I love him! He's sooooo cute!


P.s. I also love the name Riley for a chinchilla. :D
Awwww! Riley is so adorable! I love his coloring!

Just remember, if you are gonna let him out to play and you try to block him off with something, make sure it's super high. I was babysitting a chinchilla once and I blocked my bathroom off so he could play in it, but he just ended up jumping ontop of everything I used and getting out, so I just had to sit and watch him.
Spring wrote:
I would recommend covering the grids with hardware cloth though, because I've heard stories of chins and wiring shelving trying to stick their heads through and not being able to get them out because of their ears!


I agree :?. I have read somewhere that Chins should not be housed in NIC cages. Chins need LOTS of small ledges and platforms in their cages, to hop around to...while still allowing for a very spacious cage.

Check out Martin's cages: http://www.martinscages.com/products/cages/chinchilla/

^^ They are expensive, but exotic animals ARE expensive. Don't forget to get the whole shabang and get POWERCOATED and a flip top lid. They don't offer a powercoated option when you click to buy, but before buying email Martin's and ask them to powercoat your Chinny cage....they are nice people and will do anything to make their customers happy...even custom cages!

Just sending you towards Martin's because people on the rat forum use these cages for their Chins (and rats), too!

And join a Chinny forum :).

Thanks everyone! I've already fallen head over heels for him :).

I should've mentioned before that I did a ton of research before my mom even got him for me. I definitely went into this with information. His cage, while a NIC pen, is covered with hardware cloth already to prevent any accidents. And I built it up so it's quite large and spacious. There are a lot of embellishments and it's incredibly sturdy because it was wired together along with cable ties. And we were able to get wood and galvanized shelving for the ledges. This cage is a million times better than the one he came to me in and he seems very happy.

I'm saving to purchase either a Martin's cage or a Ferret Nation. I haven't decided which one yet, but thank you Amy for passing on that link. I took a look and am really liking those cages. I'm hoping next month I'll be getting my new cage. Until then, I've got the okay from a rescue nearby me who says my current set up is pretty good and is definitely safe for the time being.

Oh, and I'm not trying to be contrary. I just read this over and it kind of seems curt, but I don't mean it that way at all! I'm just tired, lol. I totally appreciate everyone's concerns and I'm taking them in.

I have registered for two separate chinchilla forums too. I love me the animals :).

I have a million things to do today...grrr! So I better go for now. More updates and maybe some more pics later.
Hrm, I am not sure about a Chin in a Ferret Nation. To me, FN's say "ferrets and rats" all over them. I wouldn't think an FN doesn't have enough levels...because of the full middle floor.

Have you also looked on Ebay for awesome Chin cages? There are some great ones on there. You can also build your own for cheaper and customize it yourself...plus...it's a ton of fun, I am betting!

Well, I'm thoroughly OCD and have been worrying all day and all night about my new chinchilla friend. I've really taken in everything everyone's shared and have made arrangements to pick up a used chinchilla cage from someone tomorrow evening. I haven't seen the cage, but a friend of mine has and she said it should be good for him until I can get a new cage from "whosawhatsicallit" next month. But if it is really in good condition after cleaning and whatnot, than I may just stick with it. But I won't know until tomorrow night and even then he won't be able to move into it until Wednesday afternoon or so. I'll need to totally clean and disinfect before that even happens.

Until then, he'll be in the NIC pen. So far I haven't noticed him trying to escape and I haven't once seen him chewing on the bars, ties, or anything else. He seems content and has been loving jumping around on all of his ledges and shelves. I need to let go of my worry and just be okay with things for a while, you know?

I'm going to let him have a dust bath tonight and I can't wait to see him! He's such a cutie. I'll definitely have more pics tomorrow! Thanks for all the advice and the suggestions - I think I'm on the right track, but it helps to have others' imput as well so I'm not so overwhelmed and crazy!
Don't worry....I am sure you are taking care of him just fine :biggrin2:!

I think Oxbow makes a Chin pellet, which is awesome. I am sure you will learn a ton more through the Chin forums about diets and all that stuff. I also heard Chins like hammocks, which I happen to sew and sell for cheaper than most people ;). Lol....an old sweatshirt or something of the like, cut into a square works well too!

Make sure any ramps are solid. My friend had a chin break his leg and have to get it amputated because of the ramp. If you can't avoid a ramp isn't solid, maybe weave cardboard or someting between the bars for safety. Any shelves should also be solid. I would also reccommend not having plastic that holds the cage together. Chinchillas tend to chew things and then the cage falls apart.

I don't have any first hand expirance, but they are very soft.
There is a chinchilla in one of the preschool classrooms (actually, 2 of them, but 1 of them I have never interacted with).

I took her out to teach the kids about responsibility and how to pet her. Her name is Snow White.

Snow White bit into my upper lip like I was the poisoned apple, baby. It hurt SO bad.

Therefore...chinchillas do not have a special place in my heart :).

But ... he's cute? :)


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