I found a..a...um...a... HEDGEHOG!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2008
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, , United Kingdom
:shock: The owl caught a hedgehog in her avairy lol. Its not harmed, she took it to her bed box, hudled around it and it was sat there when we went to feed her this morning, it is definatly alive (it curled straight up when we touched it and was moving around before we got to it) but the next thing is...what do I do with it? lol, its in a dark box in a spare ferret hutch ATM with some newspaper and hay bedding. But I dont know what to feed him etc. I am guessing s/he wont eat until tonight now? I have left a shallow water bowl in with him/her and tonight when it gets about 9 am I will sit out on the garden and see if s/he is ok to wonder off.

I am trying to convince my mum its fate, something is telling us we need a pet hedgehog :p:biggrin2: hehe.
Can you get a photo of your new rescue? Can you handle it to make sure the owl didn't puncture it anywhere before you release it? Is there a Hedgehog rescue on line? How funny..
Poor Hedgie!
Well, since hedghogs are pretty common in the wild where you are, it may be okay to let it go if its not harmed. They are pretty harm to exam obviously though because of the prickers. You can try filling up the sink/bath rub a few inches and putting the hedgehog in there. They are good swimmers, and hate to have their snouts in the water, so then you will be able to see if there are any cuts on the under belly.

With Africian Pygmy Hedgehogs you can feed them good quality cat food, I'm not sure about wild hedgehogs in England though, sorry.

Good luck!

Every summer of my childhood, we went to Sweden to visit my grandparents. And at their house, and my friend's grandma's house, a wild hedgehog would occassionally come around and we would leave out a plate with bread and leftovers for them to eat :D

Although that isn't any usable advice for you, sorry. Poor hedgie, he must be so scared!
One other thing from the hedgehog rescue here is what you feed an 8 week old (prior to its goats milk)..

EIGHT WEEKS OLD (weighs about 350gms [12oz]) Should now be eating adult cat or dog food twice daily, and given a vitamin and mineral supplement once weekly. Natural food can be introduced, such as slugs, snails and worms. Foraging expeditions in the garden can be undertaken. Shredded newspaper, straw or paper tissues can be given for nesting materials to encourage the youngster(s) to build their own nests.

You can find more on the link I post previously under FAQ section.. It also tell you about parasites to look for and how you can release them once they are old enough (ie., when they weigh enough)..

Again good luck!
Luv-bunniz wrote:
I am trying to convince my mum its fate, something is telling us we need a pet hedgehog :p:biggrin2: hehe.
Wow,i believe that it's fate as well...what a lucky lil hedgehog...but i cannot believe how you are allowed to keep them as pet's...that's just awesome...here in Australia we wouldn't be allowed to have a hedgehog as a pet.
cheryl wrote:
Luv-bunniz wrote:
I am trying to convince my mum its fate, something is telling us we need a pet hedgehog :p:biggrin2: hehe.
Wow,i believe that it's fate as well...what a lucky lil hedgehog...but i cannot believe how you are allowed to keep them as pet's...that's just awesome...here in Australia we wouldn't be allowed to have a hedgehog as a pet.
you can buy them at pet stores over here. here's a care sheet. it may not be the same type, but it'll give you a general idea.
Thanks everybody :)

I am very happy to say little "Hodge" walked off into the garden, into the wild, where he should be, last night at about 10 pm. I was quite sad but also happy that he walked away. I got some pics of him eating (he had some canned catfood before leaving) and will put them up later. And yeah, I said "Aww, I dont want to have to say goodbye to my little guy *sniff*" to my mum and she said "dont let him go"...of course I did and he was pretty happy running around the garden so I went to bed and left him with some catfood. I was happy to see he was back in his box this morning and hopeing he will stay there and attract other hedgies :cool: )
Has to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life and I will never..ever...ever forget him! EVER! :biggrin2: