I finally did what we all fear!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2005
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
I clipped one of my doe's toenails too short lastnight. It bled a short while. I got out the firstaid kit (for humans) and treated the toe with bactine, held a cottonball on the toe until it stopped bleeding and appliedneosporin. She seems just fine.

This is my first bloody toe. Will she be afraid to get hernails clipped now? It appears she has forgiven me and isstill friendly and wanting my attention. Will the toenailheal and grow back? Has anyone else made this mistake?

Frequently! Everything will befine. Yes, they do forgive us, especially if given a goodgrooming and/or treat afterward.

I staunch any bleeding with styptic powder, available at most petstores. Others use flour or talcum powder withsuccess. I dampen a Q-Tip, touch to the styptic powder, thento the bleeding nail.

Not to worry.

bojay wrote:
Iclipped one of my doe's toenails too short last night. Itbled a short while. I got out the first aid kit (for humans)and treated the toe with bactine, held a cotton ball on the toe untilit stopped bleeding and appliedneosporin. She seems just fine.

This is my first bloody toe. Will she be afraid to get hernails clipped now? It appears she has forgiven me and isstill friendly and wanting my attention. Will the toenailheal and grow back? Has anyone else made this mistake?

Did you pull the toe nail totally out or did you just quickit? Everything should be perfectly fine and don't worry ithappens to everyone! It's nothin' life threatening and I'm sure shewill still love ya. ;)

When I quick a toe nail I normally apply flower or cornstarch to theend of the toenail and hold it. This does the same thing as theproducts that you find in pet stores. I am drawing a blank on what theproduct is right nowLOL!

I've done this to each one of my buns at leastonce. I put a little baking soda on it to stop the bleeding. They'restill all pretty good about manicures, except for Hef, of course, whosenails are black.

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