I figured out videos!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
Of course, the first time I tried I forgot tohit the button to record.:rollseyes: Sprite was really intoplaying with her noisy toys with me. By the time I figured itout she was sick of it. :sigh But you can see herdoing it a little, and then Fey asking to be petted. Shealways looks somewhat unhappy when she's getting petted, but she'spurring. Wierdo.

And this is Fey running and doing some half-binkies in the livingroom. I'll try to get some better footage- these two can dosome wild binkies!

So... do the videos work?
That's so cute...I loved both videos.The first one, with you petting Fey...that's how my babies love to bepet, too. They will sit there FOREVER and let me pet themthat way. I loved watching her race around, too!

WHAT CUTIES!! :inlove:
COOL, Yes they definitely worked. Delilah willlet me pet her like that for a bit, but I am never sure if she likes itor is scared. Now I know. Wow you have a nice area for them. I haveseen pics before, but this was clearer. Thanks for sharing. NicejobBaci./themes/default/bunnydance.gif
That is awesome. I love the binky one.... Fey goes in for the big jump, finishes, and goes back to grooming!! :p

Joscelyn, Leo, andTater:colors:

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