I feel horrible

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
In A Tree, Kent, , United Kingdom
Yesterday was my first day off work in a year, and also the kinda first day off the holidays.

I woke up yesterday feeling completley horrible, I have a cold, but not just like the sniffles. You know how men get 'man colds'? I'm acting like a man does when he has a man cold, its horrible!

Today I don't feel as drowsy, but I have a tickly dry throat from coughing and both my sinuses are blocked, meaning both my ears feel blocked, so I can't hear anything except a kind of 'dull' noise and I have a painful pressure headache. Plus my nose is all sore and I didn't get much sleep last night from the pain.

I want to go to sleep but it hurts when I lie down and its too hot! Typical isn't it, first day of the holidays and I'm ill!

Sorry for this huge uneccesary rant, but I'm home alone and therefore have no one to rant at about being ill and the fact I can't breathe :D

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Ugh what luck eh. That always seems to happen to my household as well- apparently once the body relaxes and the stress is gone, the immune system just crashes from having been on edge for a long while.

Here is a link to the 'man cold' skit for those who have not seen it (very funny!)
I'm probably making it worse by constantly rubbing my nose, its gone all red and sore.

I love the man cold sketch, Nick Frost always makes me laugh. 'Have you not heard of lemsip?'

This one always makes me laugh too!


Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Aww no, that sucks!! I keep thinking myself lucky cos I've not had a cold all year but then I have this persistent sore throat that keeps threatening to get worse...

It sounds like you may have sinusitis...? I hope you haven't, cos it's horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I had it for 2 weeks and it was NOT fun at all!

If it makes you feel any better, I went to the beach today and hot horribly sunburnt, so now can barely move as it hurts too much! :?

I hope you feel better soon! :bouquet:
My Mummy went to the chemist and bought me some nasal spray, extra strong decongestant tablets and a little plug in vapour thing. I really want to put something cold on my nose, or smother it in vaseline to stop be rubbing it so much.

I don't think its sinusitis actually, I was told a couple of years ago I had really abormally thin sinuses. I used to have problems when I drove down hill the pressure in my ears would go and I would have loads of pain, literally I would cry out in pain. Everytime I get even a little cold my sinuses completely block up and the pain is unbearable.

I'm going to source out some chocolate and sit in bed watching TV. Its the only way I will ever be cured!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

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