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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
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, Michigan, USA
it is 11:30, and my roommate is cleaning the house that we just moved into. . .and that we cleaned when me moved in.

apparently she likes to clean the house during the day AND before shegoes to bed. . . and we are talking full out clean. . .sweep, vacuume,ect.

LOL...I know what you mean by having to share.However, I'm not sure which would be worse; someone who is forevertidying up (a "Monica"), or someone who is more like my son and hisroommates. I stayed at his place once and was afraid to use thebathroom, lest some alien slime creature came crawling out of thefilth-infested crevices to devour me....:nerves1
"my son and his roommates. I stayed at his placeonce and was afraid to use the bathroom, lest some alien slime creaturecame crawling out of the filth-infested crevices to devour me...."

I know EXACTLY how you feel! I live with 3 guys (one being my boyfriend) and it can be scary at times!

I, like Haley, am a bit of a neat freak, and I find some FRIGHTENING filth when I clean!

None of them can seem to understand the following:
1. After shaving, one is supposed to wipe the hair and shaving cream off the sink.
2. The plasic shower curtain liner goes INSIDE of theshower/tub when you shower, the decorative, cloth shower curtain goesOUTSIDE.
3. The toilet is to BE FLUSHED AFTER EACH USE!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::banghead:banghead

aeposten wrote:
"None of them can seem to understand the following:
1. After shaving, one is supposed to wipe the hair and shaving cream off the sink.
2. The plasic shower curtain liner goes INSIDE of theshower/tub when you shower, the decorative, cloth shower curtain goesOUTSIDE.
3. The toilet is to BE FLUSHED AFTER EACH USE!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::banghead:banghead



I can be pretty messy, but that's just wrong!

I had lots of trouble with roommates too, even the ones that were myfriends. I think about the only person I can live with forany length of time is my hubby. Maybe that's why we ended uptogether. Can't let a good thing like that get away!;)
Sometimes roommates suck, but if handled correctly, they can be alot of fun.

My first roommate experience was a disaster! But everyone after that worked well.

Maybe you need to agree on a quiet time. So that nobody makesloud noises like vaccuums, radio/tv really loud after a certaintime.

It's important to respect everyones sleep schedules. In myhouse we all generally have the same sleep schedule, and we mostly keepquit after 10:30-11pm.

And one thing to watch with someone who wants to clean all the time, ismake sure they don't start to feel like they are the only onescleaning. Maybe sit down and offer to do some cleaning once aweek, and if she wants to do more then it's up to her. Butonce a week for a clean should be good (mine normally go by the visualinspection method).

The biggest piece of advice I can give you is comunication.Sit down and have a chat about how you want to live. Are yousharing food or keeping it seperate, how are you going to split thecleaning, when is quiet time, houseguests, and anything else you canthink of that may be an issue in the future.

Good luck,

Oh I had that trouble when I went on a schoolouting to Sweden for a week. I stayed in a log cabin withthree of my mates.

It was awful! One of them was a clean freak and cleanedeverything up you put down. Like if I put down my handbag onthe kitchen table for one second while I went to the toilet, I wouldcome back and she would of 'cleaned ir up' and moved it somewhere Icouldnt find it!

My other friend went out late and came in really early in the morningand woke us all up. When we all had to be up reallyearly. In fact it made us have major arguements andwe all fell out with the friend who came in drunk early in the morningscreaming about.

I didnt mind the cleaning up that much, because a clean house is a nicehouse... But I wouldnt stick the drunken mornings again. Iwould of much rather stayed in a cabin without her!

But dont think the cleaning is awful, you are lucky you dont havesomeone waking you up early in the morning! Or even worse someone whodoesnt clean anything.

My cousin has a few room mates and she is really annoyed because itsalways her cleaning, washing up etc. The others dont do anywork. But then again the others are both men! ;)

Good luck with your room mate. They seem like a person youcould sit down and talk to with no dissagreements. Butbelieve me, you are one of the lucky ones!
My husband drives me MAD with the amount ofshaved hair he leaves around the sink afterward! It's funny,too, because every time I show him, and ask him to PLEASE clean aroundthe sink after shaving, he says, "I did! Look!", and then Ipoint out the MANY hairs that are left (enough so that it looks like hedidn't do anything). It's funny...I mean, I guess it's a bitbetter that he doesn't also leave shaving cream on the sink...butsheesh!! The little hairs are gross, too! :?

Do men just not SEE these things? :shock:

aeposten wrote:
1. After shaving, one is supposed to wipe the hair and shaving cream off the sink.

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