I don't think I like Sherwood Forest

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Jun 21, 2012
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York, South Carolina, USA
There I said it!

Seriously though, I'm having an issue with it.
I started out feeding 1/2 cup a day, split into two 1/4 cup feedings. I noticed that she was losing a little weight. I upped her food to, well I'm not sure. I think she eats over a cup a day of food. I feed her when her food is gone from her bowl. She is still eating hay like normal, she eats a good amount of hay.

BUT she is eating SO much food! I feel like I'm constantly feeding her and it doesn't seem like she has put that much weight back on. She isn't overly skinny, I can't feel sharp bones or anything, they still feel 'coated' but when she walks and runs I can see the outline of her ribs and I don't like it.
She feels like she has a plump belly, but I don't know I just don't like it.

What other foods would you guys recommend?

Oh I guess I should add that she is about 15-17 weeks old. She's a dutch and I think she weighs about 2 lbs.
I haven't looked at their food for juveniles, so I don't know its analysis. The adult version has more fat [good fat] than other brands. If the same is true for their other kinds, then weight loss shouldn't be a problem.

I think Oxbow should be good, though again, I got Honey as an adult so have no personal knowledge, but others seem to like it.
She isn't eating the juvenile food, she's eating the "maintenance and show" which is their adult food. The juvenile food is for 12 weeks and younger. She's maintaining a constant weight now I think, but its lighter than I think she should be and it sort of seems like her growth is stunted? She's still really small and I feel like she should be reaching adult size by now.
I just think that with all the food she is eating, she should be as big as a house. But she isn't and that freaks me out. Maybe I'm over reacting.

I think I might try oxbow, I just don't like how crazy expensive it is.
No matter what the age, shouldn't a rabbit be on the growth diet if they're still growing? Some breeds reach their mature size later than other breeds. Check out both oxbow & kaytee pellets at wag.com. If you spend $49+, fast shipping is free & you can get things from their sister sites as well--from kids' toys to snack food to cleaning supplies to get to the $49.
A young Dutch shouldn't be zooming through over a cup of food a day and not maintaining a healthy body weight! That sounds horrible to me. Unless there is an underlying health issue, it sounds like the food is not doing its job.

I feed Blue Seal brand food and my rabbits do really well on it. I feed the show formula which only comes in 50 lb. bags, but I think their Bunny 16 formula comes in 25 lb. bags. That would be better formulated for a pet bun anyway.

I have tried Purina and Manna Pro in the past, but didn't have favorable results with it. Not sure how widespread Pen Pals is, but that would be my runner-up to Blue Seal. However, I'm not sure whether that is available near you or in small quantities.
Could it be that the "show" standard for rabbits requires them to eat a different quality of food earlier? Maybe your bun would benefit more from the juvenile feed? If you email Sherwood and explain, I'm sure they'd send you a sample of the juvenile.
Most people recommend an alfalfa based pellet until about 6 months old. Some larger breeds may need it longer. Even at 16 weeks, she is only about 4 months old, so an alfalfa based food would be better.

Have you had her checked for worms? They can make a rabbit eat a lot and not gain weight.

Felix is still on Oxbow Young rabbit food (alfalfa based) at 6.5 months. He has grown quite well on it and is big and healthy.
Personally I've always fed Oxbow. If she's that young and is actively losing weight, I'd take her into the vet to have her checked out. There could be an underlying health issue you're missing.
She's not actively losing weight. She just isn't gaining weight like I think she should be because of the amount she eats in a day.
She only gets the alfalfa in the pellets, I'm going to get my husband to pick up some alfalfa hay tomorrow so I can start her on that with her grass hays. I'll see if that helps beef her up a bit. (I know to start alfalfa slowly) I'll be switching food too, pretty soon because she is almost out of sherwood. But I think I will email them and let them know my findings, they're very nice there.
could she be going through an awkward boney ugly age? some buns do that.

she doesn't have a worm problem?
I know that their recommendation is to free feed their pellets, which is one thing I don't like about them, so my guess would be that's what they'll advise you to do.
Yeah the free feeding is causing me to feed a ridiculous amount of food a day. She's still eating a good amount of hay during the day, but shes eating more pellets than I've ever seen a rabbit eat. Its not like she'll eat a whole bowl in a sitting, but I'm filling the bowl a few times a day with a 1/4 cup measuring cup.

I emailed them at Sherwood to see what they said. I'll probably wind up switching anyway, but they'll probably suggest that I feed like I've been feeding and that the juvenile pellets aren't right for her because she's 'too old'. I'm just put off by this whole thing.
I feed the boys, same age as yours, oxbow young bunny and give the alfalfa hay! they eat about 1/2 cup a day along with the hay and they are pretty plump little boys!! I really like oxbow products!! they have nice fluffy coats, bright eyes, and a lot of energy!!

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