Well-Known Member
I live in an area with alot of farmland, I have 2 1/2 acres, and everyone around has 5 or more acres around me, farmland, tractors your whole farming area. When i first moved here we were living in the borough which is not as country as it is around here and there are more developments. When i first move to this wonderful farm country i was in heaven , i loved it . The wild bunnies, foxes, raccoons, skunks, ground hogs, all the different types and colors of birds, all these things were in limited supply in the city. Well we have a neighbor that is across the street that is using the plot of land next to us, which isnt ours, for planting pumpkins and he has been over there all the time tilling and maintaining the land. Well yesterday he went over with a humane trap, and i thought about the ground hog that has lived under our shed since we have lived here, i was even thinking of going over and setting the trap off so he c ouldnt catch anything, but was threatened by my family,lol. So today his son came across and got the trap and i seen that there was something in it, so i got the binoculars (ok so at this point i sound like a wierdo with binoculars,lol) and in it was a ground hog. My ground hog? who knows. So i was stalking, errrrr um watching and here comes the son with a gun in hand to the quad where the ground hog was well at this point i was in tears and went in. I knew with these people that they were going to trap it to kill it, they werent humanely going to trap it and relocate it.
I am so FREAKING mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumpy::nonono: :banghead
Now I understand i might be in the minority with this but there are things that can be done to advoid this, the area that he has for his freaking pumpkins is not really big so why couldnt he have put something around it like netting stuff or something like that. Here is my concern, we live in an area that has deer, fox, possum, raccoon, ground hogs, squirls, chipmunks and all other sorts of animals who are going to go and eat his p umpkins, so what is he going to do kill them all?????????????????????????????????????
I enjoy this wildlife and when we plant veggies next year i will put something around it to minimize the crop damage so is this some kind of wierd idea from antoher planet that i have????????????????????????????????????????
Hormones i think are playing a large part in the crying but i am still mad!!!!!!!!
The mentality that people have about animals is appaling. These are the same people that leave their dog out 24/7 in a penn area, the chickens are free range and we have to chase them back onto the property when i see them walking across the road, no punn intended there, with the chickens i have g one over thier in the past to tell them that i found the dog and the chickens in the road and thier answer is that well if they get hit then they will learn???????????????????????:banghead:banghead the other dog runs around free range too.
I get so aggravated, now all the thi ngs i like to watch and enjoy and that gives me pleasure to watch is going to be picked off one by one cause it likes pumpkin................ boy if i could swing a sledge hammer :craziness
Ok i am done i dont feel better but i am done for now.
I am so FREAKING mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grumpy::nonono: :banghead
Now I understand i might be in the minority with this but there are things that can be done to advoid this, the area that he has for his freaking pumpkins is not really big so why couldnt he have put something around it like netting stuff or something like that. Here is my concern, we live in an area that has deer, fox, possum, raccoon, ground hogs, squirls, chipmunks and all other sorts of animals who are going to go and eat his p umpkins, so what is he going to do kill them all?????????????????????????????????????
I enjoy this wildlife and when we plant veggies next year i will put something around it to minimize the crop damage so is this some kind of wierd idea from antoher planet that i have????????????????????????????????????????
Hormones i think are playing a large part in the crying but i am still mad!!!!!!!!
The mentality that people have about animals is appaling. These are the same people that leave their dog out 24/7 in a penn area, the chickens are free range and we have to chase them back onto the property when i see them walking across the road, no punn intended there, with the chickens i have g one over thier in the past to tell them that i found the dog and the chickens in the road and thier answer is that well if they get hit then they will learn???????????????????????:banghead:banghead the other dog runs around free range too.
I get so aggravated, now all the thi ngs i like to watch and enjoy and that gives me pleasure to watch is going to be picked off one by one cause it likes pumpkin................ boy if i could swing a sledge hammer :craziness
Ok i am done i dont feel better but i am done for now.