Well-Known Member
One year ago today I took home two dirty,terrified, sickly little rabbits. The more I think about whatthey were like when they came home and how they are now, the more Ihate their last owner.
I wasn't planning on getting two more rabbits. I already hadtwo, although I was thinking of adopting one and bonding them as atrio. Just a few days before, I had turned down a differentpair of sister rabbits whose owner gave me the runaround and thenfinally decided that she actually did want to rehome herrabbits. I just felt that something wasn't right.Maybe it was the wrong time, or just the wrong bunnies.
Then my hubby showed me an ad in a classifieds-onlynewspaper. Two dwarf hotots for cheap. It's not thefirst rabbit-for-cheap ad I'd seen, but I literally felt pulled, like Ineeded to call this guy and get these rabbits. They belongedto me, they just didn't know it yet.
I even had Fey's name picked out for her before I ever saw her. It fits her perfectly.
And the rest... is history! And a lot of hard work.As curious as they were, even Fey wasn't that easy to socialize becauseshe had issues to work through. And Sprite, well she needs abunny therapist to help her work out her issues with hands.
Can't say as I blame her.
This is the thread I made when I adopted them:
Happy Gotcha Day girls! You've come a long way!
Two headed pumpkin monster of doom!
I wasn't planning on getting two more rabbits. I already hadtwo, although I was thinking of adopting one and bonding them as atrio. Just a few days before, I had turned down a differentpair of sister rabbits whose owner gave me the runaround and thenfinally decided that she actually did want to rehome herrabbits. I just felt that something wasn't right.Maybe it was the wrong time, or just the wrong bunnies.
Then my hubby showed me an ad in a classifieds-onlynewspaper. Two dwarf hotots for cheap. It's not thefirst rabbit-for-cheap ad I'd seen, but I literally felt pulled, like Ineeded to call this guy and get these rabbits. They belongedto me, they just didn't know it yet.
I even had Fey's name picked out for her before I ever saw her. It fits her perfectly.
And the rest... is history! And a lot of hard work.As curious as they were, even Fey wasn't that easy to socialize becauseshe had issues to work through. And Sprite, well she needs abunny therapist to help her work out her issues with hands.
This is the thread I made when I adopted them:
Happy Gotcha Day girls! You've come a long way!
Two headed pumpkin monster of doom!

