I Built a Greenhouse!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
, Wisconsin, USA
The natural sun and heat is so much better then a light bulb and heating pad. So I though "Man, I want a greenhouse." but I really can't spend money on making one. So I tried to make one out of Cube Condo Grides but it sort of failed (I needed a slated roof and that was hard to do. :p)

So I remembered this thing our neighbor gave us. Me and my dad put new chicken wire on it a couple years back and we used it to let the bunnies run around outside, though it was a pain with how it is built and shaped. So I thought, PERFECT! My dad had some clear tarp stuff and I put it over and taped it with duct tape. And Shazzam! A Greenhouse! :biggrin2:

That thing sitting on the top of it is a thermometer. It goes into the inside so I can see how warm it is! It got up to 80 degrees F in there today while it was about 57 outside!

Some plants that I put in there.

And here are updated pictures as of last night of all my plants! :biggrin2:

First Batch Planted April 17th:

Dill (Top left)
Kohlrabi & 3 Pickling Cucumbers (down the row with the paper pots)
Asparagus (Top right)
Oregano (Bottom Left)
Kohlrabi (Bottom Right four pots)

Parsley (that didn't grow so well, lots of weeds since I wasn't sure what was what!) and Chives

Sunflowers (in the mini "greenhouse", I had more but had an accident and only 4 out of the 14 survived. :(

Mammoth Sunflower


Boston Pickling Cucumbers


The Window Setup

Second Batch of Seeds Planted May 3rd-5th

Setup: Heat pad and a light

Eco-friendly pots!
From the left: Nasturtiums (5), Spearmint (5), Peppermint (5), Sweet Basil (5), Then the Common Chives (6) go down the fifth row and on the bottom of the sixth, Straight Eight Cucumbers (5) in the sixth row (which is followed by that sixth Chives), then Sugar Baby Watermelon (3) in the seventh row in the first three pots, then the bottom two pots of the seventh row are Asters (2). The very bottom right one is a "Control" which is nothing but the soil to see what weeds come up so I can compare it to the rest of the soil pots (funny thing is, nothing has come up there yet! LOL!)


Nasturtiums, they literally grow a quarter inch a day! :shock:

Height comparison to the water bottle!

More Chives!

Got to love the Chives.

Sweet Basil!

I hope the bunnies like chives...


Triple Curled Parsley. This stuff grew better then the first batch. What I did different: I soaked the sees over night in warm water and I barely covered them with dirt (you could just see some of the seeds). They started coming up the 15th, which is at least 10 days early!

Triple Curled Parsley

Triple Curled Parsley

Planted May 17th
(except for the sunflowers, which are in the white pots, they were planted the 14th).

Umm well there's a mixture of things planted here! I'll just list them off.
Lettuces: Lollo Rosa, Romaine, Black-Seeded Simpson
Other: Endive, Kale, Italian Parsley, Nasturtiums
I think I named them all. :p

Well that's it for now for pictures. I'll have more to update later! They grow and change from day to day!
wow:biggrin2:a friend of mine has a similar setup and keeps me supplied with some fabulous marrows. looks like you are growing a fine bunny buffet. well done! you seem to be off to a good start:)
That's so cool! I would love to have a greenhouse. Will it stay warm enough during the night inside the greenhouse until it warms up more? I can't wait to get started on my flower baskets but I'm afraid it's still too cold at night.
Thanks! :D
It cools at night but warms way up during the day. I think it stays a little warmer in there during the night but I'm really not sure. This is my first time using it so I guess I'll see! :p

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