R rescueyou New Member Joined May 7, 2005 Messages 2 Reaction score 0 Location , , May 8, 2005 #1 my baby bunny snickers (still working on he/she thing) is about 3 mos old and she got into my Aloe Vera plant.... Is there any danger with this?
my baby bunny snickers (still working on he/she thing) is about 3 mos old and she got into my Aloe Vera plant.... Is there any danger with this?
May 8, 2005 #2 no toxic dangerbut it may give her the poopsgive her some timothy hay , cheeky bunny knowswhats seni good for her toobad she doesnt know a littlegoes a long way .lol
no toxic dangerbut it may give her the poopsgive her some timothy hay , cheeky bunny knowswhats seni good for her toobad she doesnt know a littlegoes a long way .lol
R rescueyou New Member Joined May 7, 2005 Messages 2 Reaction score 0 Location , , May 8, 2005 #3 Good deal. She loves that stuff. Already goin down. Got a ton more questions but very tired tonight. Happy Mothers day to all... chele
Good deal. She loves that stuff. Already goin down. Got a ton more questions but very tired tonight. Happy Mothers day to all... chele
proxima centauri Well-Known Member Joined May 8, 2005 Messages 281 Reaction score 0 Location Quebec City, Quebec, Canada May 9, 2005 #4 Marvin ate some chunks of my aloe vera plant,while I was not watching... he seems to like it a lot and poops seemsalright... I rabbit proofed the plants hehehe
Marvin ate some chunks of my aloe vera plant,while I was not watching... he seems to like it a lot and poops seemsalright... I rabbit proofed the plants hehehe