I am such a jerk..

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
Freddyville, New Jersey, USA
I've been sitting here for about an hour on mylaptop...well i just noticed a lil while ago freddy munching onsomething under a shirt on my floor...i thought nothing of it thinkingit was just some stray pieces of hay under there....well apparently mymind has slipped me this evening and i forgot to put the one electricalcord in my room that is not covered up on my bed while he was out. hewas interested in the actual cord ...but this rubbery strap they haveattached to the adapter for me to wrap the cord up ....i immediatelywrapped him up in a towel ..got scratched to pieces and shoved myfingers in his mouth...i have NEVER been bit by him before ...and ithink it wasnt even him biting me but just that getting yourthroat swabbed is not a nice experience especially to a bunny that hasno idea whats going on.

i got out a huge piece of the rubber and ive been looking for anotherand i cant find it... the only thing i can think of is that he alreadyswallowed it .... i am hoping he didnt and im too frantic to find itright now ... i gave him a whole bunch of hay and hes eating away at it..and im about to go nuts vaccuuming so i can monitor his pooping....ireally feel like such a jerk right now for remembering to lift up thewire :?
you are not a jerk. there is no such thing as aperfect parent. My Rue has gotten her teeth into things i didn't evenknow were around, and while i'm busy freaking out, she's thinking'what's the big deal?'

i do hope that Freddy's okay.

Don't beat yourself up. We all doit. Why just tonight I left the buns in their room alone for15 min. Usually they are perfect angels inthere:angel:. Well tonight they finally decided to try out alaquered table leg that they haven't tried touching in manymonths. I came back there to find a good dent starting (andthey wouldn't leave it alone the rest of the night). Like Isaid, we all do it.
Just keep an eye on him for a few days and let us know if he is having problems.

Mr. Stee wrote:
Why just tonight I left the buns in their room alone for 15min. Usually they are perfect angels inthere:angel:. Well tonight they finally decided to try out alaquered table leg that they haven't tried touching in manymonths. I came back there to find a good dent starting (andthey wouldn't leave it alone the rest of the night).

Just make sure Freddy eats lots of hay and he is poopingokay. Pumpkin might not be a bad idea. Mocha onceswallowed a piece of plastic off of a baby gate. It was inher litter box, covered in poo the next day.
You are not a jerk! I can't even beginto say how much has been chewed in this supposedly bunnyproofedhome. If they want it bad enough they are gonna getit. The latest has been 5 phone cords. 4of which were underneath the baseboards. Don't ask I can'tanswer. The fifth was hanging near but not on Gracie'scage. She somehow got it and chewed it right in half while Iwas chatting on the computer. Here I am trying to power onthe computer and getting really mad. There is Gracie sittingin her cage looking as innocent as she possibly can. There isthe phone cord cut right in half. She probably has swallowedenough phone cord that she could start her own company! Itwill hopefully come out all right in the end. LOLSorry could not help myself.
the rubber isreally soft and flexible,so im hoping if he swallowed it, he will be able to pass it...ivaccummed my whole room meticulously and dumped his whole litter box soi can really watch him :?
You Are NOT a Jerk, let's get that clear.

How is he today? Any poops last night?

That stuff happens, its not your fault....as someone else already stated, if they want it, they'll find a way to get it!

Hope Freddy's ok, please keep us updated!
Carolyn wrote:
You Are NOT a Jerk, let's get that clear.

How is he today? Any poops last night?

Ditto. Ditto. And Ditto! ....to ALL of the above!

You're doing the right stuff now. Lottsa hay, water, maybe some Nutri-cal to help things along, and monitor his input/output.

Hopefully the little guy chewed it up in little tiny pieces like my buns do.;)

Update Pleeeeeeze!
We all make mistakes. I was cleaning Devon'slitter box and I wasn't paying attention to him... he ate a big chunkout of the trashbag that I was using.

Just monitor Freddy closely to make sure that he poops. I will hope for the best.
Don't feel bad. My dog ate the remainsof a stray bottle rocket that found it's way to my back yard and no onetold me until the nextday.:mad:Everything came out okay though.:D

You're a great bunny mommy. Freddy will be fine.


You are NOT a jerk!

Emmy has been chewing things up also, even wires that I didn't find butshe did. We have a sound speaker unhooked down in the basement. Onetime, I forgot to close it while Emmy was out and she went downstairsand bit all the wires in half. My dad was OUTRAGED! You should've seenhow angry he was at Emmy. In the safe side, I gave Emmy bunches of hay.

Update of how Freddy is doing?

YOU ARE NOT A JERK!!! Everyone hasmisses like that. Last week when Abby was in stasis, it mayhave been caused by her nibbling on an electrical cord. I haddone everything to protect the cords, but they will always surprise youin what they are more then willing to get into.

I would give him come canned pumpkin and some Nutrical.

I just feelirresponsible b/c its theone thing i cant permanently cover cuz my laptop travels and it my jobto remember to lift the darn wire!

he's eating with no problem .. and when i was up this morning therewere tons of poops in his cage so i think the situation is alright..hesdoin bunny 500's as i speak...
You didn't do it on purpose. You probably won't do it again. And Freddy seems to be no worse for it.

Carolyn once told me "Don't wear the Hair Shirt!". In other words....Don't beat yourself up over this one. ;)
Good to know that Freddy is doing great.


Sending lots of love to you and Freddy.


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