i am so upset and annoyed with husband as re lucy

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

as i said im so ypset with tony and annoyed with tony as re lycy

the other day i posted a message saying she had soft poops and

they were like grapes well someof you had said it mightof been she was getting to many veggies

well the thing is tony is insistin that lucy has cabbage andkale every night as this is the only veggies she'll eat ive told himthe dangers of stones but it doesnt matter to him she willstill be having it

can anyone help as im trying to do my best for lucy

but no availe from hubby

varna xxxx
Hello Luckylocket,

You really caught my attention when you mentioned 'grape-like stool'

Actually, grape-looking stool (small, dark, pungent,loosepellets mashed together) is actually normal. These are one of the twodifferent (and normal) rabbits bowel movements (the first are the hard,regular ones dropped around the cage).

Why haven't you seen this stool before? Well, usually the rabbit eatsthese poops for neccassary supplememnts and vitamins and other goodstuff. It isn't a problem that your rabbit isn't eating them, sometimesthey just won't.

So, lucky for you, I think you have nothing to worry about.
Hi varna !

I posted in the other 2 threads in reference to Lucy's excess cecal problems. Don't panic...just take everything slowly.

Tony only intends well for Lucy, but he may end up harming her in the long run.

The cabbage and kale should NOT be given to Lucy every night. You needto find something else that she like. Maybe romaine or escarole.

Too many veggies can cause excess cecals and they can have a tendencyto be on the softer side. They can also be produced in a quantity thatthey may end up getting matting in her tushie fur. I have 2 buns thathave the same problems.

I think I also mentioned that switching to a lower protein pellet may help her soft cecal/poop problems.

As some buns mature they may need an adjustment in their diets....such as the lowering ofprotein. How old is Lucy?


rinirabbit wrote:
Actually, grape-looking stool (small, dark,pungent,loose pellets mashed together) is actually normal.These are one of the two different (and normal) rabbits bowel movements(the first are the hard, regular ones dropped around the cage).

Why haven't you seen this stool before? Well, usually the rabbit eatsthese poops for neccassary supplememnts and vitamins and other goodstuff. It isn't a problem that your rabbit isn't eating them, sometimesthey just won't.
Actually, when a rabbit starts leaving cecals lie around it canindicate digestive problems. Usually there's something in thediet that "overloads" their system , making more cecals than theynormally eat. High protein, certain veggies, too many treats,generally too much of one thing they're sensitive to can cause excesscecals. Many times with this too the cecals can become morerunny and get stuck on rabbit fur.

Our rabbits can't talk to us and tell us how they feel, but they mighthave a bit of a stomach ache, like we feel after we eat too much candyor too much meat.
I found when I want my husband to do something, I just make it harder for him to do the opposite (don't tell him.)

On this thought, maybe you should buy less kale and cabbage when you goshopping, and get some other greens . . . cillantro, parsely etc. . .what ever the store has. That way he will run out of the kale and beforced to give a variety.

Hope this helps.:D
Varna, I would just explain to Tony howupsetting this is to you and that you are really concerned about Lucygetting sick. Maybe he just doesn'trealize howimportant this is.

I hope he listens. Good luck!


About more then half wya down they have a paragrpah about kale and it can be toxic if used for a long period.

"Kale, mustard greens and spinach contain high levels of oxalates, thesalts of oxalic acid, which can accumulate in the system and causetoxicity over time. Rather than eliminating these veggies from yourlist (because they are highly nutritious and loved by most rabbits),limit your use of them to 1-3 meals a week. One method is to feed kale(with other veggies) for several days until 1-2 bunches are gone, thenavoid buying it again for a week or so. The same precautions can betaken with the veggies that are high in calcium if your rabbit is proneto urinary tract stones. Particularly for rabbits who eat no or fewpellets, try to include at least one veggie daily that is high invitamin A (such as carrots, collard or mustard greens, endive, orparsley). If all these instructions seem complicated, simplify thingsby making sure you vary your rabbit's diet as much as possible to avoidgiving too much or too little of any one food. This makes good sensefor all of us!"

Here's a list of veggies to try http://www.rabbit.org/care/veggies.html

Cabbage can cause gas in rabbits. Does he know that? You don't want your little bunny to be in pain because she has gas.

Why does he insist so strongly to only give her kale andcabbage? My bunnies favourite foods are romaine lettuce, parsley, andbaby carrots. Maybe try those?
Spring wrote:

About more then half wya down they have a paragrpah about kale and it can be toxic if used for a long period.

"Kale, mustard greens and spinach contain high levels of oxalates, thesalts of oxalic acid, which can accumulate in the system and causetoxicity over time.
I had the same problem with my husband when we first got Delilah untilI showed him articles with the statement above which seemed to do thetrick. I am sure he does not realize he could hurt your bun. I oftentell my husband something and have to let it sit for a day or two andthen he comes up with the same idea I implanted and vwholla (sp) weagree.
Maybe some one suggested this but you couldprint out some articles and place them in places that hecould pick them up. My husband gets like this too..the more I push oneway the more he pushs the other. Maybe you could take Lucy to the vetand have your husband come with you..if the vet is very knowledgeablehe would tell him that it is bad..if the vet isn.t it may make thingsworse. or you could not buy any kale or cabbage and make him go to thestore himself or tell him the kale was all brown and yellow and lookedhorrible....I don't know your husband but when it come to the animalshealth I won't let it go ...sometimes men are so d... stubborn. Whydon't you buy some other veggies like romaine, parsley, cilantro,dandelion, dill, mint and see if Lucy likes any of these (do it whenhe's not around) and if she does like any of them place them right inthe front of the refigerator. Your husband probably gets pleasure outof seeing Lucy enjoy her kale and cabbage..he probably would be OK withit if she liked something else as well. If worse comes to worse I wouldtake it out after he puts it in. If you had a child he wouldn't let thechild eat candy all day just because the child likes it. Don't let himread any of this.

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