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Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
hey all...well i went and adopted a bunnytoday...yay makes two lol...I went to get the adult lop but I did notlike his personality inside or outside his cage and i have to deal withthat with dixie..no thanks to two. anyways..guess it was meant to bebecause someone had dumped a litter off yesterday...6 week old dwarfmixes...i grabbed one and bam...instant love..i totally havent evengiven a thought to the dwarf in him...:;shrug::i love his personalityand am glad i can start with a young one....i will have picslater...ok..cage question..I have a HUGE split cage...one side fordixie other for 2nd bunny...he is only 6 weeks old and none of the vetshere (shelter pays for fixing)..will do a baby this young..which isunderstood..so he wont be fixed till Feb. Ive heard that unalteredmales housed next to females will spray but a spayed female? I am usinga sheet of coroplast connected to the grids of the divider so neithercan see each other until he is fixed,and bonded with me enough to wherei can seeee if dixie will tolerate him..im not worried about that tillafter Feb. But..my mom who raised rabbits years ago said not to worryabout him spraying this young...am i right? its not like neither willsee nor touch etc till later on to begin with...anyways..thanks for anycongrats..im in love lol..and thanks for any help :)
Congrats on your bew bun! Sounds like a littlecuttie! Sorry I can't help you out with your question although Iwouldn't be suprised if they can spray at that age. My un-neuteredthree-month-old bunny has never tried to spray my female but.... Hopesomeone can help you out! :D

Fergi's mom
My unneutered 5 month bunny sprays my spayed female constantly.... very stinky business...


If there gets to be spraying... well since I am having that trouble right now... and I am clueless lol
Bub, the little stinker, is also a sprayer. He's4 months and just started all that. But he was "mature" for a goodmonth before.

Oh....he sprays ME!!! Sometimes male bunnies choose a human "mate" anddo the whole spraying and courtship thing...and mounting....:X

So keeping him from the female is no guarantee that he won't fix his affections on another female....you!;)

hey guys..sorry i havent updated ya..been todistracted hehehe...well Duncan McLeod is his name and he is such ajoy...very spunky and happy and loves to lay on his platform and lookat me while im on my bed watching tv..its cute..how do u post picsagain? anyways..toodles

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