I Am Legend-NO SPOILERS!!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
Yeah the graphics were cheesy at times. It was The Omega Man with a twist.

I knew Will Smith could act when I saw The Pursuit of Happyness, but the dog scene... gawd..... it really made me believe the personal strength he had to have..and the second video store scene after the dog scene...

Moved me to tears....completely....

The ending made me cry...:bigtears:

Very good.... Very Very VERY good.

Great even..

Errik is watching it right now with his brothers as a birthday present. I'm probably gonna watch it tomorrow or so with my friends. Looks good.
I was planning on going to see this movie on premiere day, but have been too sick to go. Was hoping to go today, but still am not quite up to snuff. So...hopefully tomorrow or Monday (although tomorrow might be out as we're going to be hit bigtime with a snowstorm).

Actually I purchased the book for my son for Christmas, and when it arrived I began to read the story. I only got about halfway through when I had to wrap the book up and send it off to him, but it was pretty awesome. Mind you, the movie version (I've heard) veers from the book a fair bit, but still, just watching the trailers it looked to be great. The only thing I wasn't impressed with (from watching the trailer) was the CGI effects of the 'nightdwellers'. They looked kinda hokey. But you know, I've been a fan of Will Smith's forever, and any movie he's in, I'll watch it. (LOL...I remember watching The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air when it aired on tv and telling my son that if Will Smith ever made the transition to the big screen, he'd be huge...I thought he was that talented.)

And hey, I think I'd watch I Am Legend even if Will wasn't in it...that dog is precious! :)
can i ask is it like a zombie movie, i was thinking like 28days later infected? or am i totally off? i hate when i have one idea of a movie and go to see it and it is completely the opposite.
Basically, the gyst is that they find a cure for cancer, and it's explained how in the opening few scenes, but then it mutates, and everyone thats not immune is essentially rabid like... or vampire-ish with a bad attitude..I mean I know vampires are cranky anyway.. but like... no starbucks and bad hair day AND no hot water cranky..

Ok well I exaggerate...


Yeah the CGI is hokey... but Will Smith... gawd.. he had me in tears.

The ending is kinda..open... but then again, so was the end of The Omega Man.

As far as rabid Vampires go.. the ones on 30 Days of Night kicked some...well.. they kicked somethin..

GoinBackToCali wrote:
Bassetluv wrote
And hey, I think I'd watch I Am Legend even if Will wasn't in it...that dog is precious! :)

Ahh... the dawgie....:in tears:

I say no more....

I think that's a bit of a spoiler on it's own. But that's just me :p
Alright, a tad bit of a spoiler.. but I am very tenderhearted with animals.. maybe I was crying because he had no one to play with...

Ok ..Okiron... you caught me.. you can ground me... or beat me, whichever you prefer..LOL


I just saw it this afternoon on the IMAX screen at the theater...

Definitely two thumbs up! And now I love Will Smith even more...talented, talented, talented actor. ;) (He really buffed up for this role too, from the looks of it.)
Hence why I said they kicked *somethin*... the premise was excellent, but there was serious plot holes, and the end was just outright laughable.

But had it been better done...yeah, they coulda kicked some serious butt.

I just watched it last night with my boyfriend.

I liked it, but when my boyfriend started ranting...

You see, my boyfriend is a HUGE fan of the book - I remember him reading it throughout the Summer. I know the movie is different in the book, as they all are. He'd tell me these crazy things that happened in the book - I waited for them in the movie, and they never happened. He is also a film student. He was impressed with the first 3/4, and the ending just made him really upset.

They changed way too much from the book as he ranted over and over =P Such as Anna, and details about the vampires and the dog... *especially the ending*. The ending was like... a complete opposite from the book.

The doggy made me cry =[

books are always better than movies!

but you have to take into account the fact that

a) there is no way to fit in all the detail or build up the plot to the point where the real ending can happen


b) when you read something, you can picture it for yourself. you don't have images thrown at you, just words. your own world is always better than someone elses :)


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