i am going to get my tongue done!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
about ready to leave to get my tongue peirced!!!!

i am way so excited!
Good luck! It doesn't hurt at all :biggrin2:. Just eat smoothies, ice cream, apple sauce, mashed potatoes and such for a day or so after....it really helps so you don't have to eat normal food. Your tongue will swell up, so the cold stuff with help a lot.

Be careful, too, after the swelling goes down and about a week or so after the initial piercing, you may want to buy some shorter barbels because the one they pierce you with is longer (for space to swell)..and you will be biting down on it A LOT.

I find the plastic balls are the best for your barbel because you won't be clashing a metal ball on your teeth or biting down on it...those suckers hurt :grumpy:.

thanks amy!

well, i got it done last night, and boy am i all swelled up! doesn't hurt to much though.

i just have a constant icewater at my side to sip! i stocked up before on broths, applesauce, oatmeal, and pudding (i made my own pudding cups in tiny tupperware by layering a few differnt flavors!)

right before i got it down, i told my roommate: just watch, i am going to drool like mad!

sure enough, i had spit all down me! but it honestly didn't hurt. the guy pulling on the clamp hurt more then the needle!

the cool thing is a shorter bar is included in the price! he said to just come on in next week!
I love piercings. I've had quite a few, but the tongue piercing I chickened out on. They found a vein right in the middle of my tongue, and they offered to try and move the vein over... I chose to get my lip done instead.

It's cool that you got it done.:)Will there be pictures once the swelling goes down?