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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
Went to the farm store today to pick up some hay. Came home with a 7 week old Dutch. She was supossed to be snake food and they couldnt do it.
They gave her. I fostered a bun for them a couple of years back. He was the reason I found this forum.
Aww. I could just kiss you!

You are so wonderful for saving this little buns life! I cant wait to see some pics!

I was unaware of how rabbits get along and fight. Tulla ripped open the baby. She is being sewn up now as we speak. I am so angry with myself!

Pray for her recovery please!
O wow. sorry to hear that. Make sure you keep them separated. I found out the first time I brought my max home (who we thought was a girl) to Basil, a boy. Basil about tried to kill him. Luckily no one was hurt.

I'll be praying for your little girl. Make sure you keep her safe and make her feel relaxed in her new environment. She will probably be terrified for a while...

praying for the little one...


She is home and feeling well. They sewed her up and sent antibiotics home. My poooor angel!



Aww..the poor little baby. Tulla really took a chunk out.She was savedfrom being fed to a snake to be fed to Tulla :)

Keep us posted on how she's doing. She looks like such a little darling. She will need lots of snuggles and kisses after her traumatic day :)

Good Luck


Awww, poor little girl! (and poor Binkes!)
Very tramatic for both of you.

You'll have to check out all the bonding threads on here.

Keep a very close eye on her poops and her appetite. Did they also prescribe a probiotic to help her digestion?

It's also a good plan to know what they were feeding her at the store so you don't change her diet suddenly on top of her other stress. You have to make changes slowly.

Feel free to ask questions.

Hope all stays well!

sas :)and the gang of fur :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Ok, they didnt send anyprobiotic. I have Oxbow Critical Care if worst comes to worst.

I do have 10 pounds of the food from the store! So that is ok.

I cant bear the thought of not keeping her. I will just have to beg and bribe mean ol Tulla! We decided to name her Little Debbie sincethings try to eat her and she is soo tiny.
of course my buns have hay! They are never without. Orchard grass is free from one of my friends, wooohoooo!
LOL! Sorry, put this in the wrong post. Your first post in the thread reminded me to remind someone else about hay! In this thread, I forgot to mention what a sweet looking baby you have! That part was meant for you. ;)

sas :upsidedown(having one of those days)
Awww... poor little thing, that looks like a deep wound! Congratulations and kudos for adopting her though, and I hope the rest of her stay with you will be attack-free :)
I love Dutches. That are adorable!! I can't believe that wound!! WOW!

Poor Baby!! I am sure she will recover quickly.
binkies wrote:
Tulla was fast and quick! She is acting really good, like nothing happened.
No cause for alarm, but do remember that bunnies will hide their ailments instinctively, seeing as ailing bunnies are the first ones singled out by predators.

She's probably fine, butwatch her like ahaw... er... sorry... like averycaring human.;) Any change in appetite, poops, any swelling, lethargy...anything.

It's possible that her immune system isa bit challenged from the trauma.

Give her ahug for me!


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