I am a little curious, does anyone else have a

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Phillipsburg, New Jersey, USA
I see a lot of threads for Flemish (BIG RABBITS),Netherland Dwarfs, Lionheads, Lops and many others, but I never see onefor Brittania Petites (or Polish). I ask as I am curious as to howothers have been able to bond with them. Here is adescription I have found that seems (to me anyway) a kind of accuratedescription of Miffy:

Generally more high strung than other small rabbits, Brittania PetiteRabbits have a vigorous nature that will take gentle perseverance totame. With patience however, you can be rewarded with a most delightfulpet, but not a pet for the timid. They are very curious and like lotsof toys and attention.

The only time she will "allow" me to pet heris when she is inher cage, she almost goes to sleep she enjoys it so much. Butwhen I let her in the livingroom, no chance there. I havetold my girls (2 and 3) that this is her time, her time to run, do herbinkies, hide under the chair, the bunny 500 and of course lay down andrelax. I think the closest I have come to bonding with her isalmost everytime I walk by her cage she goes to the door, hoping that Iwill let her out. (kinda pathetic, she was out for3 1/2 hours today!).

So, are there any other Brittainia Petite owners out there?
Britannia Petites and Polish are at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to personality.

The Polish are rather laid back -- the Petites on the other hand arehigh strung to the extreme. I do enjoy toying around withthem and posing them though :)

How much does your rabbit weigh? If she the one in youravatar? She really doesn't resemble a Petite in type -- theyare very fine and longboned, slim, chiseled, wedge shapedhead, have very small ears and a very bold eye.

