so my doe was bred on the 20th of last month and i’ve been taking care of her really well. she’s a little older than a year and she’s a holland lop bun. Shes the first doe i bred, so i was scared. there were some behavioral changes, her making a mess with her food bowl and wanting even more snuggles and pets. i tried palpating her, but i didn’t feel anything. around day 28 i thought i saw something moving in her belly but i wasn’t sure. yesterday (day 33) she started to rip her fur out as preparations for the nest. i came back today and there were no kits and she just wanted a lot of pets. should i start worrying that she hasn’t given birth or is this normal? is there anything i can give her? i can’t take her to the vet, money is pretty short and there are no vets in my area who specialize in rabbits.