So she gave birth yesterday and you don't know what to do and how to check etc.
Firstly I'd like to know where are the babies, is there nest or maybe you gave her some nestbox? Would be great if you could take a few pics, trying to not disturb her but it would help us to tell you how to take care of them better.
You don't need to bring them to vets, so you don't have to feel guilty. You are good if you make her comfortable, feed her well and check on the babies twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
You can carefully put your fingers into nest and feel it babies are warm, it there's any cold you should remove them they maybe dead or sometimes need some extra care, you can warm them. Check if all babies have full bellies, if not you give mother some extra food like rolled oats, fennel etc, so she can produce enough milk. Babies can survive up to 48 hours before they fed first time as mother not always have milk immediately after kindling (giving birth).
In your situation you just take care of mother, give her good food and more water, and maybe make a barrier so babies should stay all together, ideally they should have a nest where they will stay until they are 2 weeks.
They are still blind, they will open their eyes around day 10-12, then they will start hopping out ot the nest but she will still feed them until they are 8 weeks.
If she just made her nest in the corner with hay and fur you might want to improve it after a few days, maybe remove soiled hay/fur and add fresh or move them to a nest box carefully. It is best to do it when she is not there and can't see it, because some mothers can be very protective or just can get stressed. Some mothers don't mind but you don't want to risk right?