Hutch Flooring

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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, , USA
I've used carpet on the bottom of the bunny hutches for years and it's always worked well. The problem is, Ripley has now come upon the habit of being "Mr. Destructo Bunny" and every morning there is a ball about the size of a soft ball of carpet shreds. I'm worried about him eating too much of it while ripping is up and it causing a blockage. Yesterday I took it out, but he really needs something to sit on in there. Any ideas? I've seen EZ mats but I don't even know where to get them. The fleece I've tried he just wads up in a big ball and shoves around.
Had the same problem with Dobby and his towels. Constantly chewing but thankfully not swallowing. We would find little balls of towel all over and yes, they were pure cotton. So to stop Mr. Dobby from eating his towel, which he needs because his hutch has a wire floor is Peter's Grass Mats. Available in several sizes. Dobby loves it and so do the other bunnies. They sleep on it, chew it, play with it and I know if they ingest it, there will be no problem.

Hope this helps.

K :)
I have really destructive bunnies as well and have had a really hard time finding suitable flooring material. After two years i've finally gone back to industrial carpeting that hes really tiny tightly wound fibers.

Anyway, I dont recommend EZ mats for determined chewers. My rabbits managed bite them and rip out chunks of material. It was a total disaster and I had to get rid of them in a few days. Its totally possible that your rabbit would be fine with them, but I wanted to share my experience.
I use ceramic tiles in Winston & Vega cage. Winston does not have good litter box habits and pees everywhere. I'm actually going to go and see if I can get a scrap piece of linoleum for the cage as his pee goes between the tiles.

In Daisy Mae's cage I have a woven carpet that I bought a Walmart a couple of years ago for $2.oo. I have 2 extras, I wish I would have bought more. She is such a clean bunny uses the litter box all the time.

I also have used the bigger grass mats on Wilbur and Bridge Bunny Jackies's cage when they lived with me. They had plywood for the flooring. They loved chewing the mats.


Yeah, Ripley has horrible habits as far is litter. I took it out finally as he was having problems with litter allergies- (I tried even the all-paper products and he continued to have a very runny nose)

I got ceramic tiles, but with him being an outside bunny, the winter makes the tiles very cold and with him peeing all over, it didn't work too well.

At this point he has the wooden part of the hutch blocked off as it was such a mess at all times, and very difficult to clean up. So he's on mostly wire. I put in a piece of fleece over a tile and he continually picks the blanket off, balls it up messes on it.

I'm hoping to get him neutered in maybe a month or so. (Up to now its been cold outside and with his past respiratory issues I didn't want the huge temp change) I'm not sure yet, but maybe neutering would help his destructive habits a bit as well as helping him keep things cleaner? :pray:

I've looked at the grass mats, but I'm afraid it'll jsut be another thing that he pees all over and ruins immadiately. :X
My wife and I use sheets of vinyl material at the moment. Our bunny Piggy (Because all he does is eat and sleep lol) is starting to get pressure spots on his hind legs. The only problem is he chews everything, so I don't know what to get in terms of flooring? I need something soft, but chew and scratch resistant... which is going to be tough to find.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Oh p.s. I'm new here so hello everyone :)

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