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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Bonner Springs, Kansas, USA
Sigh. :X

So I come home from work today to find my sweet miffy hiding behind the washer. My husband said he couldn't get her out. He told me my six year old who is usually very good with her, dropped her today. She tells me miffy scratched her and it scared her so she let loose and miffy jumped in the air out her arms. So I manage to get miffy out from behind the washer and my six year old is crying her eyes out. I pick her up gently and sit her on the washer to check her out. She's all wet and all I can think is something bad since i've read on her that when they are drooling it's a very bad thing. I wipe her all off and notice some blood (not a lot just a little) on her foot and under her chin. After getting her all calm and dried off I can't find any cuts or injuries so I am thinking she either bit her tounge or it's from the blood on heaven's arm where she scratched her real bad. I was so scared. I wanted to cry but my little girl felt so bad already I didn't want to make it worse. She's walking just fine and back to her normal self and heaven and I have talked about what happened and what not to do to prevent it from happening again. Still it was a huge scare that I never want to go through again. My poor little Miffy. :( I'm giving her quite time today away from the kids lol. :)

Ek! That is scarey! I'm wary of anyone around my girls,even an adult. One of my friends almost dropped Pespi when I first got her, and I'venever let anybody but me, myparents, and the vet handle her ever since.I think you should only let your daughter sit with the rabbit on her lap, not pick up or hold, but I'm sure you're going to watch the two very carefuly! I'm older, and I still have a bit of trouble handling a skitterish rabbit and for a six year old it will hurt both her and the rabbit.

I hope Miffy and your daughter feels better! It's not your daughters fault, these things happen :).
That is the only way she is allowed to hold her. She is supposed to ask an adult to get her out of her cage and then she sits on the floor and miffy sits on her lap and miffy can play on the floor with her basicly. Miffy isn't skitish at all, i think heaven just scared her somehow when she picked her up (a big no no right now) and that's why she scratched her. She's a really good bunny and very calm with the girls. :)
Poor little Miffy.

Im glad shes okay.Just keep an eye (or two) on her for the next few days to make sure shes okay..Im sure you will! Its good that no one was hurt!

Make sure to give her lots of love and kisses..shes probably pretty shaken up!

Oh yes, we've been checking on her constantly (her cage is in the living room off to the side) and she seems fine but i know that something could pop up later so we will keep a very close eye on her. And yes that is sweet miffy in the avatar. :)
oaaaah!:?poor miffy babe, i fell for u hon if anything ever happened to my lu i'd be screaming and crying by now.:tears2:
i hope she's ok.

and i hope ur daughter isn't feeling too bad!:sad:

Aww, sounds like the pair of them gave each other quite a scare and you too!

Scratches can close up really quick on bunnies. I'd check her toe nails (they sure can bleed when they break!) and teeth just incase.

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