How unusual is it for bonded buns to sometimes fight?

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Active Member
May 31, 2006
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Woodstock, Illinois, USA
I am wondering this because my lop Molly has a small scratch right under her eye and one on her nose. I am assuming it came from a disagreement of some sort in the hutch probably from my female Polish. Do others who have rabbits that spend all their time together have fights sometimes?

Oh and is there anything I can use on her eye or should I only treat it if it looks like it is getting infected? It is right at the bottom lid.


Megan, Sugar, Pipkin and Molly
How many buns are together? Is the bunny bonded to the Polish or more than one buuny? How old are they? How long have they been together?

I think there's always disgreements in the warren, but whether they'reserious or not depends on the set up.Can somebunny getting chased get away?

Do they have room to avoid a confrontation?

I think there's a polysporin drop or gel they sell here in Canada that's safe for use in the eye,I'd have to check, but I don't think neosporin is supposed to be too close to theeye.

Meanwhile, sterile saline solution meant for human eyes will work as a wash.

sas et al
Thanks. There are three rabbits and they range in age from 1 to 3 yrs. old. They have all been together for about 10 weeks now without any incidents. They have a large three story hutch and there is plenty of room to get away if need be. Sometimes they will just hang out on their very own level and other times they are all together. I am going to in the light of day take a good look at the wire around the cage to make sure she didn't injure herself on that. I have some eye wash so I will use that for now.

Thanks again,

It appears that most Triple Antibiotic Ointment (I believe Neosporin falls under that category) is okay for use in the eye, so unless the tube says otherwise, I don't think there's a problem smearing a little on the wound.

My 'bonded' pair don't seem all that bonded to me -- the girl, Darry, is contantly on the boy (Radar's) case, mounting and nipping the poor guy. (When she had a false pregnancy and was building a nest, she plucked HIS fur. :shock:)

They don't do a lot of grooming, but they always seem to be in the same place at the same time, so it couldn't be TOO bad. :dunno

With my other bonded pair, the boy (Dill) will get in a tussle with me or the cats, and turn around and chase andnip Sherry!

Mine are pretty much free run... Sherry can run far and fast from Dill, and although Radar is stuck in a small room with Darry, he seems resigned to his fate.

I guess life in the warren isn't always fair. :eek:hwell

Let us know how it goes!

sas :)and the gang of fur :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
My last two rabbits were bonded and got along very well. Smitty, my male, was the subordinate one and Ruby, my female, was a typical queen rabbit. Even though Smitty adored Ruby, Ruby would sometimes pick a fight or nip him. Usually they got along very well but every now and then they would disagree. Usually Smitty would run away when Ruby was being tempermental. As for Ellie (female) and Hazel (male), my current bonded buns, they get along famously. There is almost never a disagreement. They are always together and getting along. However, every now and then I notice that Hazel gets a little persistent in trying to get Ellie to groom him. She usually runs off and he chases her. I think it is normal for bonded rabbits to quarrel one is totally happy with their mate! But as long as it doesn't really escalate and things settle down I wouldn't worry too much. Just keep an eye on them.
Sorry I may have missed this but are they all fixed? :colors:

My bunnies were together for about 12 weeks and never fought and then all of a sudden Furby had a large wound. I have now fixed them and rebonded and they are now ALWAYS together!:colors:
Sometimes my bonded boy and girl get into a bit of a scuffle, but I've found it to be my fault. This only occurs if I have had a busy week and they didnt get as much out of cage time as they normally do. They cuddle in the cage but I think they need some time away from each other too. So its just a thought, but if you see them fighting a bit, increase their out of cage time by 10-15 min and see if that helps.

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