how to proceed after bunny fight during bonding session?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Alaska, USA
I'm trying to bond 3 of my bunnies (they're all family members) and things did not go well tonight :( Max and Macie got in a fight! The bunnies were in the bonding pen with a litter box, which was pushed into the corner with a little space behind it. Max and Macie were sitting in the litter box and in her usual nosy way, Macie was half hanging out of the box so she could nose around in the far corner of the pen. She got kind of stuck and started flailing around with her back feet to get out. Keep in mind Maximus was in the litter box. I think he interpreted it as an attack because her back feet were kicking him. They started fighting and I was right there, but it took about 10 seconds (a long time during a bunny fight!) to separate them permanently and get Maximus out of the pen. I looked them both over and there are no apparent injuries, though there was lots of fur tufts yanked out and poor Maximus was quite scared after :(

What do I do now? Of course I want to proceed with the bonding, and I'm glad Nomi was off doing her own thing when it happened so she wasn't involved. Should I give them a few days to forget what happened, or proceed like nothing went wrong and keep Max and Macie in their side by side cages? Or should I take them all on a super long car ride tomorrow and skip the bonding session that usually follows? Are they more likely to fight next time they're together? It about broke my heart to see them fight, they're brother and sister and have gotten along fine up until now.
Have you tried to reintroduce Max and Macie? Shame that they got their signals cross to start the fight in the first place.

Hoping they forgot this and have started the rebonding.
