How To Make My Rabbit Warm Up To Me?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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NoWhere, British Columbia, Canada
Hi All!

It's Jj, most of you (all of you) won't know me cause I'm new but hopefully you guys and gals can help! My new mini lop cross Pembrooke spayed and up to date on all her shots girl, from the BCSPCA whom I got yesterday afternoon is very grumpy and doesn't seem to like me. I tend to her cage and move her blankets and she growls at me. She'll let me pet her and hold her but whenever I put her back in her cage she instantly hides in her igloo. I'm scared that she will hate me and will never like me. Is this normal? How can I make her like me? She'll eat food out of my hand and occasionally she'll lick me but I want her to like me! Is it too soon to try or am I moving too quickly?

Wah! I hope I didn't screw up!

If you just got her and brought her home, then yes you will need to give her time to adjust to her new surroundings and adjust to you.
Let her explore things on her own time and don't try and force her to sit with you - let her come to check you out. If you spend a lot of time with her, she will eventually warm up to you and be a great little bunny friend! :)

Sit next to her cage and offer her treats. Talk to her gently and make all your movements slow and gentle. Hold treats in your hand and let her come to you. When she does come for the treats slowly reach out and pet her ears. Try to avoid her rear end and focus mostly on her ears head and cheeks. This is were bunnies enjoy being "groomed" the most.
sweet, im glad she warmed up so quickly.. by the way the licking is a sign of affection and has nothing to do with our body salts like some people may conclude. rabbits lick you and sometime nibble as a sign of affection, they are grroming us! Awesome huh?

Sara and Benji....:happyrabbit:
I was picturing her in a pen on the ground. But the idea is to get her head & yours at about the same height, whatever that height is. So sitting in a chair by her raised cage is good.

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