How to get fiber into a rabbit with malconclussion?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas City, KS

he had his teeth clipped down tha bit this morning, but I was told the rest needs to be dremmeled down. So vet ho!

So question. I dont know when the last time this guy had hay was, if ever. So will he be able to eat hay with his teeth the way they are? (pic attached) his poo is ver hard and little and he is pretty thin so i was thinking about picking up some oats to slip in the food also-he turns down cheerios/craisons/carrots

And he is running around the hallway right now. Gave him some cardboard and he does pick up the rolls in his mouth, but dk if he will chew. Any ideas how to get his teeth back down and in good shape atm?


Pellets contain the needed amount of fiber. He can eat hay just fine (even without front teeth). Rabbits chew and grind food with their molars.

Malocclusion generally can't be corrected by chewing foods. I wouldn't force mush foods such as pumpkin if he is eating on his own. He needs to chew food to keep his molars properly worn down.

Greens provide fiber and will add the moisture he needs (the small, hard poop can indicate dehydration.)
Thanks everyone.

He won't touch the hay that I know of.
Shows little interest in his food except to dig in it. I put some oats in and he ate some of those.
Also not drinking much water...tried giving him a peice of apple/carrot/carrot peelings but he wouldnt eat any of it, just dug around the plate.
Ended up syringing some pedilyte in him which he didnt protest too, but wasnt happy afterwards with me.

I am hoping it is nothing serious for the reasons of not digging into the food and treats. He did eat one honeycomb cereal though.

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