How to figure out if your bunny has a cold or if the nose is wet?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
My bun has been sneezing alot recent, but she istotally active and eating and everything else is normal so if you guyshave any suggestions could you let me know..

I tried to check if her nose is wet but when i put my finger by her nose it doesn't look wet.. so how do i tell?


Madhura aka Maddie_20
Im not sure how you should properly check thenose, but are you sure she was sneezing ? hickups or maybe its justallergic to something ?
Ya she is sneezing i can tell it is a sneeze orat least it sure sounds like one.. and now i checked her nose and itseems a alittle wet so i am taking her to the vet tommorow.

but thanks anyways guys.. i am praying that it isn't anything bigbecause apart from that she is fine... and seems very happy and iseating and drinking so hopefully the vet tells me that everything isokay
