How to clean a cage properly?

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2011
Reaction score
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
Hi there,

As some of you know already, I have a 5 week old doe - she will be 6 weeks tomorrow! She mostly just pees in her litter box, but just now, she peed in the other corner of her cage.

What is the best way to clean that up? Ie) cleaning products


How do I defer her from peeing in that corner again and just in her litter box? I know some may say move the litter bow to that corner, but so far its just a one time incident.

Any suggestions would be great!

Ps - I know shes young to start litter box training, but I want to try!

White vinegar works really well to clean cages. Get a spray bottle and do about a 50/50 mix if vinegar and water. Spray the area you want to clean and wipe it with a paper towel. Any hard stains can be soaked in vinegar and scrubbed.
For the store bought cages, you can scrub them with dish soap and make sure you rinse well to get all the soap out of it. This is helpful when they are really messy. You can also hose it off if the weather is nice enough.

Vinegar is a good deterrent and does take the smell away. You can also try putting something in that corner to prevent her from using it, a box, some toys or even the food bowl can work. Don't put a bed or something easy to pee on in the corner as they will just pee on it and that is harder to clean.

She is still quite young, so expect there to be pee and poop out of the litter box. She probably won't be really good at it until she is 3-4 months old.
Ok great! I did use the vingear but then after I was crap! I wonder if that was safe!

Also, she peed on her towel that I have in there. I know, put a new towel in, but I how do I stop her from peeing on that??
I use Vanodine for everything. You can even use it in their water.
Low Toxicity - Wide Killing Spectrum - Deep Penetration - Long Shelf Life - Non-Flammable - Visible activity - Low Cost - Non Corrosive - Contains no alcohol - Cleans and Disinfects in one operation - Active in the presence of organic matter - Biodegradable, stable and safe to use.

VANODINE is a strong disinfectant, that inactivates all types of organisms, viruses, bacteria and even fungi. Yet VANODINE is gentle enough for use in sanitizing drinking water and spray directly in the eye or nose or on open wounds.

Regular disinfectants are not typically effective against poliovirus, the TB germ or many of the antibiotic resistant organisms which worry the livestock producer as a result of the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Only a few of the corrosive type disinfectants are effective against fungi and spores, yet they are only efficient at dangerously strong concentrations

I use white vinegar and GSE (grapefruit seed extract) though not at the same time. GSE is used by some hospitals to clean floors with, due to certain patients sensitivity to bleach, but it's also used as a dietary supplement by humans and vets recommend it for birds/other animals to treat certain bacteria infections, it's safe and non-toxic. I always wipe things down with water really well after I use it though, just because the concentration I use for cleaning causes my skin to tingle and I wouldn't want to irritate the animals.

GSE is more a once a month or so disinfect, the vinegar/water I use for daily clean ups.

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