how old do they have to be?

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Kitten flea powder can be used on weaned bunnies,but are you certain they have fleas? Fleas do not normallyhave a preference for rabbits.

Hi, It's a little unusual for rabbits to havefleas. Are you sure they have them? A few years ago we had a fleaproblem with the dog and cats (had to do with the weather....hothumid). To ensure that the rabbits didn't pick any up, I used the Hartz(squeeze tubes) for cats, on them. Half a dose that was recommended forcats, placed at the base of the head. You may have to Bomb your house,once a month, for 3 months in a row to get rid of your fleas.
LOL!!! There's a multitude of "beasties" in thisworld that find humans tasty! If you just moved into a new house orapartment...fleas could have been there already. Their eggs can laydormant for 2 years (maybe more). The eggs will hatch as soon as theyfeel movement...walking, etc.. This happened to me when I moved into ahouse in Arkansas! The best thing to do is remove yourself, and thebuns, from the house and Bomb it. Charlotte

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