How much water should rabbits drink?

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Jun 8, 2006
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My little rabbit doesn't seem to drink thatmuch. I put a crock in for him when I first found him, but hedidn't seem to drink anything. I tried a bottle and he won'tdrink out of it either. The only time I saw him drink wasyesterday morning when I put a crock down. He drank like hewas completely parched. Is there any way to get him to drinkmore? How much should he be drinking?

From what I've been told on this board, he can be anywhere between 5-12 weeks.

Oh, one more thing... when he goes outside to play, I set his pen up onthe grass. He loves to eat grass and will run aroundeating. Is this bad for him? I don't think we useany fertilizer or chemicals on it.
Rabbits don't always seem to drink a whole lot,but if you look closely you may find that the water level in the crockis a little lower. The amount he drinks will depend on howmuch veggies he gets too. If he was only getting dry foodhe'd drink more. Make sure you keep the crockclean-I clean mine at least once, usually twice aday. Fresh water tastes better.:)

Double check and make sure that no chemicals have been used on thelawn. Grass is okay for him, but like with other veggies onlylet him have small amounts at a time until you're sure it won't upsethis stomach. And don't give him lawnmower clippings becausethey might be contaminated.