How much to feed?

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2012
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, , Canada
I am reading a variety of opinions on feeding bunnies. Some say that where they are a grazing animal in the wild they should have access to food 24/7 others say just a couple times a day.

I give Rue a small handful of clean lettuce daily and she gets pellets that come mixed with hay. She refuses to eat the hay, loves the lettuce and seems to be chowing down on the pellets 24/7. I am worried she is going to gorge herself especially where she is only 5 weeks old(btw we have confirmed she is a she lol).

Should I leave pellets in front of her all the time? Or regulate it? Also will she start to eat hay more as she gets older? Is there a special kind I should offer her?
Rabbits digestion systems are most related to a Horse and I believe they are grazers because they need to have continual gut movement (also why we dont withhold feed when they get surgery).

Many people have different opinions you just need to find what works for your rabbit. Pellets are a complete feed and meet the nutritional requirements of rabbits. Extra hay is good for rabbits to help the gut move (just like horses on a grain and hay diet). I think veggies on top of pellets are excess but many people disagree. I feed my french lop 8-10oz of pellets a day(he is 11lbs), handfulls of hay twice a day and he would get one or two romaine leaves with a 1-2in regular carrot piece and a celery stalk with leaves every morning.

Pellets are made to be very palatable so the baby will love pellets. I would regulate the amount of pellets the baby gets expecially if its a small breed of rabbit (those tend to become overwieght quickly or at least my moms polish do lol). Pellets can be given in one or two feedings depending on what she and you would like. Give more hay numerous times a day (timothy and orchard grass is what we feed) and veggies shouldn't be fed to a baby or given very sparingly.

Our tans have a higher metabolism and are free fed pellets as they grow. The only thing that happens to them is they get fat bellies but their body soon grows and they regulate their eating habits better as they get older
Ooo I didn't know they shouldn't have veggies! I don't give her much to begin with, more as a treat.

I guess I am going to have to start sneaking handfuls of hay from the hay stall at the barn for her lol.

I am feeding her a timothy pellet. Which seems to have good nutritional balance.
Veggies are good for bunnies once their digestive system matures. I don't feed veggies until 6 months. Fruits are given at 7 months. Veggies and fruits are all given as treats.

Dobby and Kreacher did well on just timothy pellets and hay. I did sneak in alfalfa hay to help with weight. Neville and Luna are on alfalfa pellets and timothy hay until 6 months. Neville will switch to timothy pellets, while Luna will stay on the alfalfa until after she's done weaning babies.

With your bunny I would give free choice pellets until6 months. Like Sarah says, smaller bunnies do bulk up if you don't watch. About the 7th month, I do start cutting back on the pellets. And the veggies help as treats. None have had any problems with this feeding plan.

Thank you so much for the info :) I will stop the veggies until she is older.

I have only ever given lettuce. On the topic of veggies is it true that carrots are bad for them?

I think I need to sit and do some serious reading on here. I am loving this forum for bunny info. Everyone is so friendly and helpful :)
BabyRue wrote:
Thank you so much for the info :) I will stop the veggies until she is older.

I have only ever given lettuce. On the topic of veggies is it true that carrots are bad for them?

I think I need to sit and do some serious reading on here. I am loving this forum for bunny info. Everyone is so friendly and helpful :)

Carrots are very sweetand but too much can be fattening for your bunny. Think of them as candy for bunnies. Carrot tops are the best for your bunny. I like to grow the baby carrots and my boys and Luna when ready will get the carrot tops and a taste of actual carrot, very small taste. Not too much.

Also, when your bunny is ready, basil, parsley, cilantro would be a good treat as well.

Thank you :) I am passing all this info onto the other girl from my barn who rescued a baby from the litter as she is new to it all as well.

She no longer is getting anything but pellets and hay until she is older.

I also discovered today she would rather drink from my dogs water fountain then her bottle. Which is amusing considering she has to climb up the side of it to get her head in. So now she has a bowl for her water and I wasted $15 on a fancy bottle. Go figure haha