How Much Pellets Per Day

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
So I have a 8 week old lionhead and I was curious how much pellets do you feed per day. I read 1/4 to 1/8 per day but the poor thing keeps running to her bowl and its empty.I try togive her half in the morning and then half atnight. She gets unlimited hay. Thanks
As I said in my other post, younger bunnies need more nutrients. The recommendations are given for adult rabbits, or past 6 months. Babies usually get free fed of alfalfa pellets (at least 16% protein) to not limit growth and much needed calcium. Once they get older they don't need as much calcium and you can slowly switch over to a timothy based pellet in a more limited amount.
Young rabbits should be offered pellets free choice, so basically as much as she can eat in a day. It's a good idea to actually scoop out pellets for her everyday though, so you can see that she really is eating whereas if you were to just offer a big bowl of pellets you might not notice what her daily intake is.
An 8 week old should be free fed until she's about 6 months old.

I feed my Mini Rex 1/3 cup of feed a day, give or take. They get half in the morning, half at night. It probably adds up to a little more than that.

Standard Rex get two 1/3 cups 2x daily...I don't know my fraction math, so no clue what that really adds up too! lol. I suppose I could dump that amount into my larger measuring cup and see, eh?

And then everyone under 6 months gets free-fed pellets.

Hay and alalfa (alalfa to the Rex only, though I know it is good for all babies...) is given in the evenings because otherwise they'd waste it, and even at that, I'm still going through nearly 2 flakes of hay a day.

Two 1/3 cups 2x a day would be 1 1/3 cups a day. Seems like a lot of pellets. But the amount really depends on what the rabbits do (breeding, lactation, growing babies vs pet or a sedentary adult).

I am feeding Layla about 1/4 cup daily since with the free-fed hay that's about all she eats. I feed her in the evening and usually by the next evening she's still got a couple pellets left so I know she's not starving. She does eat a lot of hay though. She's only 7 weeks old.

Isn't the guideline something like 1/8 or 1/4 cup per 5 pounds of body weight when over 6 months? Not sure if I'm correct on that or not...
LaylaLop wrote:
Two 1/3 cups 2x a day would be 1 1/3 cups a day. Seems like a lot of pellets. But the amount really depends on what the rabbits do (breeding, lactation, growing babies vs pet or a sedentary adult).

I only measured how much one feeding would be and it came close to a cup....but these are Rex I'm feeding that much too - they are BIG rabbits. ;)

LaylaLop wrote:
Two 1/3 cups 2x a day would be 1 1/3 cups a day. Seems like a lot of pellets. But the amount really depends on what the rabbits do (breeding, lactation, growing babies vs pet or a sedentary adult).

I am feeding Layla about 1/4 cup daily since with the free-fed hay that's about all she eats. I feed her in the evening and usually by the next evening she's still got a couple pellets left so I know she's not starving. She does eat a lot of hay though. She's only 7 weeks old.

Isn't the guideline something like 1/8 or 1/4 cup per 5 pounds of body weight when over 6 months? Not sure if I'm correct on that or not...
Bunnies up to 6 months should be free-fed pellets and hay. After 7 months it's 1/2 cup per 6lbs

I keep Lady's bowl full, I don't want her to feel like she has to ration her food. Samson gets about 1/2 cup a day.
Ok.. well I just remembered 1/4 cup since I fed my 3 pound hollands that much a day as adult. :)

Right now my Layla is just shy of 2 months old and gets slightly over 1/4 cup a day as free-fed. I can tell she's going to be a food pig though since she already paces for food.
Free-fed means they have unlimited access to food, if you're limiting her to 1/4 cup she's not free fed :)

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