How much hay is normal?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2011
Reaction score
Austin, Texas, USA
So I've never had a rabbit who consumes hay like this. I have to refill Q-tip's hay tray two or three times a day. And then she'll zoom around on the ground and clean up any that she dropped.

I go through a 40 oz bag a week...easily.

Does anyone else's rabbit eat this much hay?? Is that normal?
Oh wow! Iw wish cookie cleaned up after himself... ;) cookie eats a decent amount of hay, but I have to encourage more... By using oats hidden so he can forage and I also hide extra hay all over the house... To get him to eat more! Hr tummy must be at peak performance with all that hay ;)
As long as the pellets & greens are being eaten as well, I guess they can't eat too much. You really should buy a 25 lb package, or even more. Honey goes through less than a lb a week, so less than 1/3 of Qs consumption.
We go through about a 60# bale/rabbit/ year. I'm not sure how much that turns out to be in shorter terms. I figure as long as they are eating well then they can have as much hay as they want. I mix timothy and orchard grass for everyone. Houdini and Sophie get a small hand full of alfalfa per day (he has lots of wool and she's extra large).
Give her as much as she wants.

I have buns that barely munch at their hay....and others that eat it as fast as you can give it to them.

Hay is "Nature's intestinal scrub brush" and helps keep their GI tract running smoothly.
It helps wear their teeth, due to the silica content.
Chewing hay is also considered natural and therapeutic for buns.