Well-Known Member
I currently have 6 rabbits. 2 females and 4 males (I know I need to change that!). Anyways, They are currently housed out doors in hutches with a large running area surrounded by a fence. If I let any of the males out together, they end up fighting of course. So, my question for all of you is, how much free run time do you give your outdoor rabbits? I currently have them scheduled for their times. I let the older buck out first thing in the morning for a couple hours, then I let my oldest doe out for a couple hours. Then I let my two youngest males out together, they are between ages 8 weeks and 10 weeks old, they dont get as much time as the two older ones yet. My other two which are a male and female pair (fixed) get a couple hours as well. I do not let them out after dark or while we are away. My goal is to rehome a couple of my males, preferably the two mix breed ones and keep my male mini rex. Then, I am hoping to purchase a couple more mini rex does. I have had quite the demand for mini rex bunnies. Our area doesnt have many breeders for mini rex. We have one breeder down in the valley and then another about 2.5 hours away.