How Much Food To Store?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
, Connecticut, USA
In regard to maintaining pellet freshness, whatis the most that can be stored at one time? I have a 5 lb & a 6lb rabbit & am using a 12 qt airtight container. Alsohow long will pellets in an unopened bag stay fresh?
If you are worried about the freshness of thefood, I would think that you could divide up a big bag and put it intofreezer bags and freeze it. Most of the time, it is moreeconomical to buy the larger bag. Then just take out one bagat a time. :)))
Hmmmm...OK, I thought it could not be frozen orrefrigerated, maybe refridgeration is the problem, i think i read thatmoisture could get in.

So far i have been keeping under 10 lbs at a time in airtightcontainer by the buns. But freezing a larger quantity makes sense.
I have frozen the dog food that I get forBushie, my skunk, and there is nothing wrong with it. A lotof people do that. I've always had enoughrabbits that I haven't had to worry about the food being fresh all thatmuch.
I have 18. They are in individualcages in my barn. I don't breed anymore. But therewas a time when I went thru 1000 pounds of rabbit food in a week ... 20of the 50 pound sacks.
There ... answered by a man who knew what he was talking about. :)))

I would have loved to have fed Buckeye. It just simply was not available around these parts.

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