How much do I love this man?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
New York, USA
My husband, who usually turns his head away from the buns when I ask him if he wants to hold them, is always blaming them for being furry and messy, and whose eyes grow wide whenever I mention what I want for my third rabbit:rollseyes, is a secret bunny lover!!!

In the middle of the working today just now he sent me an instant message with links of bunny adoptables that look like my Kirby and Toby.

I asked him, "shouldn't you be working?Why are you bunny surfing?"He says "yes, I'm waiting for a meeting to start, so I decided to check out some rabbits."


LOL...AWW!!! How sweet...and cute!! I love it when they finally succumb to bunny love!!! Danny did when we got SweetPea. For some reason, he saw her ad on Craigslist, and said yes right away...and then promptly fell head over heels for her once she was home. I'd never seen him kiss on and love on a bunny before her...and he's been more in love with all of them since. :)

It's so romantic to see a man that loves bunnies. :)
maherwoman wrote:
I love it when they finally succumb to bunny love!!!


Some bunnies are so honey-sweet that even the most manly man has to break down and love em!
kirbyultra wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
I love it when they finally succumb to bunny love!!!


Some bunnies are so honey-sweet that even the most manly man has to break down and love em!
Too true!! SweetPea stole my man's heart, for sure!! :D

I don't know if he'll ever love another bun like he loved her...
Everybun is different. Just like people. Sometimes there's only The One or in this case, The Bun. :D
Can I know the trick? Man erroll likes storm but mention a bond mate and he goes crazy.

I wish he would love storm more
Aww, how cute!

My husband just HAD to have Brody 2 years ago from the local fair because he wanted "his" own bunny. Well...needless to say through all the promises...I am the caretaker of Brody.

Well, a few weeks ago I was talking about how Ryan never pets Brody and that darn rabbit could sit there for pets all day (he just begs like a dog!) and Ryan said, "I know I never pet him, but I still love that darn rabbit!".

Mrs. PBJ wrote:
Can I know the trick? Man erroll likes storm but mention a bond mate and he goes crazy.

I wish he would love storm more
Aww. But we all know men express their love in strange, subtle ways. I'm sure he does love Storm.

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