how long

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
scottsville, Kentucky, USA
since i have been trying to bond the bunnies they get two to three hours out together. and individually two hours each.
i was just wondering how much everyone else got there rabbit out. wheni just had Ryo she was out up to 12 hours a day, but now she has tosplit it with alex, and i have been working lots more.

after they are bonded i think they will be free range at all times. Ryois great out of the cage, and even Alex has never done anything badoutside of the cage.
I'd love to have my rabbits free range, butMocha doesn't get along with Fey and Sprite. Actually, she'dlike to kill them.:? So that's a no-go.

Depending on the day, mine get 2-4+ hours out. I work arotating 12 hour shift, and the days that I work both that morning andthat night they usually only get out for one hour twice a day (so twohours total). When I'm not working, they get out for at leasttwo hours twice a day.

My buns also have huge pens that we made partially so they would havespace to play while I'm at work. I'd have to check, but Ithink they're as big as the minimum recommended exercise spaceaccording to the lastest edition of the House RabbitHandbook. I know they had exercise space sizes in there forusing ex-pens. Makes me feel a little less guilty when Jamesand I are busy working.
i remember reading a recommended out time somewhere, and i dont remember where or how long it said.

people say i let the rabbits interfear with my life too much. but theyare like my children. id rather be with them and let them out to playtogether than go to a party or out shopping. makes me feel bad if idont have them out every single free second i have. i always shoot foratleast 4 hours a day.
I've heard minimums ranging from one hour tothree from rabbit rescues. I think it should depend on howmuch exercise they get in their cages too.

I know how you feel. I try to let mine out as much as I can,at least during the mornings and evenings. I don't usuallyhave them out in the afternoon because they're not interested and Ihave to do stuff other than sit around the house.
oh yeah the best time for my rabbits to get outis like six in the morning. they will run laps, do binkies, and playwith toys. they really get some exersice. other times like around threeo clock they just want to hang out in there cage and rest. or get underthe coffee table and nap.
naturestee wrote:
I'd have to check, but I think they're as big asthe minimum recommended exercise space according to the lastest editionof the House Rabbit Handbook. I know they had exercise spacesizes in there for using ex-pens. Makes me feel a little lessguilty when James and I are busy working.
About how much is hte minimum reccomended exercisespace? Does anyone know? I'm wondering if thebedroom i have them in is too small...i also let them out in the livingroom but not that often.
I'm sure you're bedroom is fine. Theirminimum space was like a small dog exercise pen. I don't ownthe book, but I'll see if I can get to the library and check.
My lucky girls get free range all day. They are caged when I am gone for their safety.

I had to leave early this morning and they were pretty much ticked because they had to go up.