How long will it take for Trix to recognize me?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
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Denise from Long Island, New York, USA

I keep reading all these posts about bunnies running circles aroundtheir owners when they come home, yet Trix barely even looks at me whenI get home!
As soon as I let her out of her cage, she just explores her room andthen lays down on the opposite end of the blanket that I'm on(I havehardwood floors and put a blanket down for her to do binkies on.)
I try rolling her toys to her (balls with bells in them, etc) and shejust sniff them and hops away. The only time she crawled on my lap wasbecause I had her harness in my hand and she wanted to keep chewing it.It's like she really could care less that I'm there. When I pet her,she does put her head down and stretch out her back legs, but no bunnykisses yet and she doesn't let me hold her in my lap or "trance" her atall.
It's only been a week and 2 days since we brought her home, but I justwant her to show some affection! Is it too soon? Am I just beingimpatient??? Will she ever come around?

Don't worry. It takes time.Keep doing what you're doing, and remember that she's just ababy. Everything is new and she might not be patient ortrusting enough yet.

Also, keep in mind that super-cuddly bunnies really are anexception. My buns are a bit greedy and prefer to get lovin'from me instead of giving it back. The ones that do returnthe favor do it only on rare occasion and didn't start until monthsafter I got them. None of my beasts like to be held, and"trancing" is sure to tick them off more than anything. Asfor running around my feet, that's more of a hormonal behavior and mybuns are spayed/neutered. Fey and Sprite still do when I givethem their veggies. I call it their veggie dance.:D

I find my buns prefer to just sit near me and be petted, and I'm more than willing to oblige them.:)
Thanks for your response! My first bunny, Daisydid all those things. Maybe she was the exceptional bun, huh? I stillmiss her to this day.....

I love Trix and even if she stays exactly as she is, I am ok with it.Even though I still look forward to my first bunny kiss! lol

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