How long does it usually take for hormones to die down?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
It's been about 3/4 weeks since he was neutered,and he's going to be 5 months old this 26th. I thought that because hewas desexed at a young age that he wouldn't have had much of a chanceto turn into a typical horny male but he seems just the same as anentire male in that respect. If I touch any other rabbit beforetouching him he will honk and start humpng the air! If my arm is closeenough he will hump at that too. He makes buzzing sounds and circlesand gets very excited.

How long should I leave it before trying to introduce him to a girlbunny? I am afraid he will just spend the entire bonding date justtrying to hump. He has no aggression towards other rabbits and seemskeen to be friends but I am worried about the sexual frustrations hestill seems to have.

When did your buns improve in this regard or does it never go away?
I heard it can take up to more than 4weeks. I just had Snuffles neutered coming up on 4 weeks andif I let him out, he pees, and right away. He peed on my sontonight while in the bathroom for playtime while I cleaned hiscage. He actually peed 3 times. There you go for anupdate Naturestee, but I didn't have his pan in there. I'lltry again this weekend and tell you how it goes. :D

Ohh i have had five boys desexed now,Jack,Pippi,Cassidy,wally and Zach

,and with the five i noticed the difference more or less straightaway,they don't try any funny business,only occassionally they willgive it a go just to see if they still got the groove lol,but they lookkinda hopeless though.

My boys are like mashed potato,they are all soft and mushy:)

minilops,i think you just have an over randy little guy,maybe he just needs more time to settle down:)

