how long does a rabbit live?

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19! Thats amazing! What kind of rabbit did yourmom have, Rabbitluvr? I hope my Bunny will live that long (orlonger). I agree, it would be nice for our bunnies to outliveus! :p
rabbitluvr04 wrote:
my moms rabbit lived until it was 19!

WOW! That's an amazing age, I alos would like to know what sort of Bun she had, as most live about 7-10 like Apollo said.
The second rabbit that I ever got was of course aMini Lop and he lived to be 13, he was a show rabbit and he obvoislynever got neutered, but it was hard because he just passed away thisyear and it's really hard, expesially since I had him when he was ababy, and I was a baby myself.

Kimmy, Jack, and Butter's Mom (plus new bun coming today!)
It's always hard to lose a animal.There is this amazing quote by Sir Walter Scott in which he talks aboutthe short lives of dogs, but I think it really is interchangeablebetween the species.

"I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such shortlives and I am quitesatisified it is in compassion to the human race;for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of tenor twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double thattime?"

I've always found some comfort in that when I lose one of my critters.

she thinks it was a New Zealand because it waswhite with pink eyes but we are not sure, There was actually two ofthem,they both died at around 19. In the winter they would feed themboiled potato skins mashed up mixed with bran. Nut every day theypellets, alfalfa and water and a coulple of treats. These two rabbitswere ment to be snake food for my moms neighbor but there snake wouldnteat them, so my mom brought them home and her mom let her and my aunt(my moms twin sister) keep them.
I wouldn't want either of my bunnies to out liveme...who would take as good care of them as I do?? Nobody I know ofpersonally would. What I'm concerned about is what if something happensto me? Where would they end up??
chiquita090 wrote:
I wouldn't want either of my bunnies to out live me...whowould take as good care of them as I do?? Nobody I know of personallywould. What I'm concerned about is what if something happens to me?Where would they end up??
That brings up a good point. I think alot of us fear just that very thing. What would happen to our babies.

I think it helps to talk about with friends andfamily members. I have started setting aside a few extra dollars aweek. This is just so that heaven forbid something were to happen tous, the people that took our babies in would not have to worry aboutthe money aspect. There would be enough to see to their care andupkeep.

Sorry so long.

chiquita090 wrote:
I wouldn't want either of my bunnies to out live me...whowould take as good care of them as I do?? Nobody I know of personallywould. What I'm concerned about is what if something happens to me?Where would they end up??
I have a rabbit friend who has actually put her rabbits and theirsupplies in her will. She split the two breeds she raises between twoyouth members of the breeds.