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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
OH MAN...I'm so embarassed!!

My husband had to leave again to work out of town, making him gonetonight and possibly tomorrow night as well, but went with me to dropour daughter off at school before he left at about 10am. Hehad his friend (whom he was working with) pick him up.

So, about ten minutes ago, I stood up, ready to go get my daughter,only to my horror to find out he had TAKEN THE CAR KEYS WITHHIM!!! So, my husband is about two hours away with the onlycar and house keys we own.Lol...argh!!:thud:scared::shock2::faint:

Anyway, I called the school, and one of the teachers is able to bringher home (I'm unbelievablyembarassed:foreheadsmack::rollseyes:). She didn't sound toothrilled about it, either. I don't even have a FRIEND thatcan come get me to get our daughter!!

Anyway, my husband feels so aweful, they're on their way back, taking atwo-hour drive to try to save the day! What a sweetie...kindafeel like this little guy, though...:embarrassed:...LOL!!

Sounds like my husband!! LOL My son normallyrides the bus, but he was taking an after school art class and I had topick him up, I went to get my keys and I couldn't find them anywhere, Iwasted so much time looking for them. I was so sure my husband didn'thave the keys because just 2 days before he had left the house with mykeys so I didn't think he would do it again. Finally I called him tosee if had my keys, AND HE DID!!! So I took off out of the house inflip flops trying to walk to school before he got out of class. I madeit in the doors just as they were letting the kids out of the room!! Icouldn't believe it! My husband hasn't taken my keys again since thatday ;) hehehe

OMG!! oops ah well you'll survive you have all of us here!!

Love ,


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