How do you wash slippers??

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Okay, this may be the most "off-topic" and random thing on here, but I have to ask:

I have this pair of slippers...really cushy, just the kind that has a bit of fabric over the front half of the foot. The only problem is that no matter how cold the house is, they are so cushy and warming that my feet tend to sweat in them...making them kinda, well, no other word for...soggy...ok, and a bit smelly, too. :?

So I'm now forced to reckon with the idea that I'll have to wash them. Should I wash them with that top portion of fabric folded around the bottom (inside out)? Will they dry properly with all the cushiness they have in the bottom?

Also...even when I take them off for the night, and I wake in the morning, they're still (that aweful word) soggy! Is there any way to help them dry out overnight? Stuff them with newspaper, maybe??

Sorry for the yuckiness...but I find myself needing some sort of solution for my poor slippies! They're so comfy when they aren't *ahem* soggy!!

I love my slippies...just got them for Christmas...don't want to have to buy new ones already. Do I need a second pair, so I can alternate between them?

Poor slippies!! :(

(And yes, I am actually feeling sorry for my slippers...what an aweful life!! :( )

I have no idea...

I don't knowthe differencein the tumble dryer and the washer:baghead, not that I can figure out how to open them anyway...:embarrassed:

I'm not very...ah...domestic...:?

You mean mean person, how could you subject your poor slippers to such a soggylife:nono;)
I know, huh! What a horrible slippie owner! (I don't know if it's weird to feel sorry for my slippies...but I do!)

Yeah, obviously I'm not very domestic mother taught me NOTHING domestic! :shock: I had to start from scratch. :(

Michaela wrote:
You mean mean person, how could you subject your poor slippers to such a soggylife:nono;)
Well I'm a mean slippie owner too, I abandoned my last pair...under the bed probably:dunno So you're not alone!

My mum tries to teach me housework, I don't care about it, she can come and clean my house when I move out!:D
Oh no...I didn't realize I would give that impression!! :shock: when the sweat accumulates in something? Hehe...:whistling

No, really, this is the only thing that's actually had a stink to it (besides maybe tennies I don't wear socks with...which haven't existed in my stock of shoes since teenage-hood), I SWEAR!!

I think the stink is mostly from them never really drying (unless I don't wear them for a week, and instead slide around in socks...which, let's face it, didn't I get the slippies to AVOID having to do this??).

JadeIcing wrote:
So you are telling us you have stinky feet?:shock:
Tip: Spray Arrid Extra Dry on the bottoms of your feet after you shower.

It works for me and I have the sweatiest, stinkiest feet ever!

EDIT: Oops! This is Laura, not Snuggy! She keeps forgetting to sign off!

If I were you I would wash them in cold water and then see about hanging them to dry over some kind of heater. And make sure that they are dry before you start wearing them. As far as them staying wet over night, I know that you can buy a boot dryer for boots, maybe that would work for your slippers?
Good ideas, guys! Thanks!


And Snuggy...if you're gonna use the computer, at least sign off so Mama doesn't catch on! Hehe!!

Hah :DSmelly feet ey!

I dont know about slippers, but we put our trainers in the washing machine in an old pillow case, to protect them in a way! That might work with slippers too? I have no idea!

Random funny thread :D

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