How do you sleep?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2008
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Northamptonshire, , United Kingdom
Take this short quiz - just thought it would be interesting to see if people snore etc if you think its silly just dont do it LOL

1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back
3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other

2. Do you snore?

3. Do you sleep walk?

4. Do you sleep talk?

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did?

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep?

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning?

1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back
3. On your front - I sleep on my front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other

2. Do you snore? - Yes loudly :?

3. Do you sleep walk? - yes

4. Do you sleep talk? - sometimes

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? - Well the first time was when w had only got nibbles and i dreamt there were nine cats sitting on his hutch trying to eat him and i ended up halfway down the stairs :(
The second time i went into the kitchen picked up the hoover and started cleaning mum asked me what i was doing and i said I'm cleaning!!
when she told everyone they said she should of left me to get on with it.

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? I usually have to read but it depends how tired I am

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? - I am an early bird - though saying that - I do love my bed!

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? - quarter past 7 [[groan]] to go to school!
1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back
3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other

2. Do you snore? Not usually, but I do if I have a cold or really terrible allergies.

3. Do you sleep walk? No, but I've been known to roll out of bed :p.

4. Do you sleep talk? Only if someone is talking to me. Then I'll give them really odd answers that don't even make sense. It's pretty funny to hear about after the fact.

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? I can't think of anything specific - sorry!

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? I have tons of rituals I have to do before bed every night. If I don't do them or can't do them then I can't sleep. I'm extremely anxious before bed and I guess doing those things helps relieve some of that anxiety.

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Definitely a night owl.

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? Usually about 5 minutes before I'm set to be leaving the house!
1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back
3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other - My head is always at the foot of the bed. The room is set up nicely, but "feels" wrong.

2. Do you snore? sometimes

3. Do you sleep walk? yes

4. Do you sleep talk? yes

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did?

I think the worst was when I was in college. I woke up on my living room couch and the neighbor was sleeping in a chair. I got up and got dressed (moreso than I was at that point)and when I went back to the living room she was awake and explained that she had found me wandering in the parking lot. She couldn't awaken me so she walked me back to my apt. and spent the night to make sure I stayed in all night.

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep?

Check at least 1,000 times to make sure I know where my car keys are so when I jump up and get ready for work I'm prepared.

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

I work full time on 3rd shift and put in28-34 hours a week at my day job (usually) - It's hard to define what I consider morning to be.

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning?

See above ;)

1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back
3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other

2. Do you snore? not usually

3. Do you sleep walk? no

4. Do you sleep talk? no

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? when i was a kid i slept walked and all i did was come down the steps , sit down and stare at my aunt who was watching me. She said i creeped her out!!!!!!

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? i have to start out sleeping on my side.

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl?early bird

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? when the kids arent in school it is between 8-9 , when school is in i am usually up at 630
1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back
3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other
ALL of the above as I move around a LOT. (I'm going this week for a sleep test to see if I have sleep apnea).

2. Do you snore? YEP - BIG TIME

3. Do you sleep walk? Nope

4. Do you sleep talk? Sometimes (when I'm really tired or feverish or really involved in a dream)

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? Sorry - can't remember any right now - I just hear about them later.

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? Most of the time I have to read SOMETHING - at least 10 pages or so - in order to relax...

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Depends on what I need to be that day...

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? Depends upon what I have scheduled for work and if Art's working or not...
1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball - If it's a cold night
2. On your back - Never
3. On your front - Never
4. On your left - Half the night
5. On your right - The other half of the night
6. Other

2. Do you snore? - If I have a cold

3. Do you sleep walk? - No

4. Do you sleep talk? - Sometimes, if i have realistic dreams

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? - I'll just yell random things like "Get out of my room!" then I'll wake up and no ones there or has been there, haha

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? - TV

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Night owl

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? - Probably around 10 in the summer, around 6 school time
TinysMom wrote:
1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back
3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other
ALL of the above as I move around a LOT. (I'm going this week for a sleep test to see if I have sleep apnea).
That is the same for me as well - I just don't keep still and its not even when i'm asleep thats what i'm like all the time whats sleep apnea?
I sleep like i act daily - i move a lot i talk a lot and basically make a lot of noise!
1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back def on my back like Morticia adams (so I have been told :p)
3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other

2. Do you snore? sometimes (Bruce say's i either snore sound liek I am chewing gum or I am so asleep he checks that I am still breathing :p)

3. Do you sleep walk? Not any more but i did as a teenager

4. Do you sleep talk? Sometimes

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? I was doing a big mail shot for my business and in the middle of the night I turned over and said 49 stamps and pushed my thumb into Bruce's eye. Promptly blinded him for a while. He asked me what i was talking about and i told him to leave me alone (in a not very polite way lol) and turned back over!! supposedly he got out of bed still half blinded tripped over the dog and stubbed his toe :embarrassed:I wasn't very popular in teh morning!

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? I usually need to read at least a chapter of a book but right now i am so tired i juts need to lie down lol.

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Neither lol if i had my way i would be in bed really early but not up early :tongueI reckon I am allergic to mornings!!!

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? 8am and god help anyone that tries to wake me up early!!

BabyBunnies wrote:
1. How do you sleep?

On your left
2. Do you snore?
3. Do you sleep walk?
4. Do you sleep talk?
not to my knowledge
5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did?
6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep?
I actually tend to "organize" inmy thoughts. I design and decorate a home. I set up my classroom. I put things together in my mind... It soothes me to sleep because I set my mind to one task and that is the only thing I'm thinking about. Otherwise, my mind is so cluttered with everything that's going on in my life, that I can't relax enough to go to sleep.
7. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I am more of a night owl. I have a difficult time getting up in the morning and tend to sit and think too much at might when I'm trying to get to sleep.
8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning?
During the school year, I get up around 6 or 6:30. I have to be at school by 7:45, so if it was just me, I'd get up later, but I also have to get two kids out the door with me. I'll be interested to see how this year goes with my son going to middle school...
During the summer, I tend to sleep in. Lately I've been getting up around 9 or 10, depending on my mood that day.
1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back, arms by my side, like i'm dead.
3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other

2. Do you snore? I breathe loudly

3. Do you sleep walk? Not that I know of

4. Do you sleep talk? I have done

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? When I was about 7, I was staying at my Grandparents. My Grandpa came into my room on the way to bed, and I satbolt upright.

He said 'Why aren't you asleep yet?'
He said 'Mummy, she's at home?'
I said 'Not Mummy, NANNY!'
He said 'What do you want her for?'
I rolled my eyes and flopped right back on the pillow, straight to sleep.

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? Turn off every light, every electrical item, anything that makes a noise. My TV has to go off, my computer, hard drive, can't have a clock (it would tick!) Radiator off, sky box off, EVERYTHING. All electrical items buzzing I can hear and it drives me insane!

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Well, I say night owl, I'm more that way inclined, but to be honest i'm neither. I'm just a person who likes sleep. In the evenings my favourite thing is looking forward to bed, and I never get up in the mornings!

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? 9am if i'm being good, 10 am if i'm not.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball - yep - this is me
2. On your back
3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other

2. Do you snore? Only when I was pregnant

3. Do you sleep walk? No - thank goodness

4. Do you sleep talk? Very badly - I could never keep a secret from my hubby - lol

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? One time when Gus wasn't living in our bedroom anymore - my husband sat on the bed and I screamed at him - "Gus!!! Get off the bed!" It was a good laugh the next morning.

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep?I need to put on my lotion and my chap stick

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? I'm an early bird

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? Well, I don't work - but I still get up at six to get breakfast and lunch ready for my hubby.
1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball -Hmm, sometimes
2. On your back
3. On your front -Most of the time.
4. On your left
5. On your right
6. Other

2. Do you snore? Nope.

3. Do you sleep walk? lol. Yep.

4. Do you sleep talk? yes
5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did?

Once, my mum said that I got up in the middle of the night and started digging through the fridge. She said she asked my what I was doing and I responded "What does it look like mother?! I'm eating!" So she just left me only. Haha.

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep?

Hmm, I need to relax like an hour before I go to bed, or I can't sleep.

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Uh, I would have to say an early bird and some nights a night owl. :p

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning?

In Summer: 8:30-9:30 [depends when I go to bed] and during school I get up at 6:00.
1. How do you sleep?

3. On your front
4. On your left
5. On your right
All of these- I toss and turn SO much in the night. As soon as Steve gets up in the morning to go and work I roll onto my back and make a big star shape- even if he's just going to the toilet lol, so he comes back and has to move me! :p

2. Do you snore?
Erm..... :embarrassed:Sometimes! Not all the time... Steve sounds like a steam train, whereas I probably sound like a piglet in comparison LOL...

3. Do you sleep walk?
I did when I was younger and did it a couple of times recently, but that seems to have stopped now, thank god!!

4. Do you sleep talk?
Sometimes, if you try to talk to me while I'm half asleep, but again, not nearly as bad as Steve. The other night, he randomly named about 20 different kinds of biscuits, then told me it was part of a competition. He said he didn't win though, one of the bunnies did. He wouldn't tell me who though. Then he started giggling... I was like 'JUST GO TO SLEEEEEP!' lol!

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did?
I can't really remember the worst thing... When I was younger I always used to insist on sleeping with headphones in and my discman, and my mum used to always try to unplug them while I was asleep, and I'd quite freqeuently yell at her, punch her in the face :shock::shock:, and then turn over lol! Never remembered it... :D

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep?
I have to make sure the front door is off the latch. I also have to make sure that I can see my clock from my bed, and there's nothing in the way of it. I also can't sleep without Mousey, a teddy I've had since the day I was born, next to the bed, on the table. If he's downstairs, I have to go and get him.... Silly huh?

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I'm a night owl, definately... it's 4am here and I'm still up lol! I like to sleep in but not too late, or I feel like I'm wasting the day. So I like to wake up early, and then go back to sleep, and maybe get up at 10-11 if I can...

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning?
It depends on how ill I am. My dizziness is a lot worse in the mornings, some days I can't get out of bed until mid afternoon.... I try for around 10 though (I only ever sleep for around 3 hours at night due to the dizziness, so most of my sleep is done in the mornings)
1. How do you sleep? - Curled up in a ball, I fall asleep like this always.

2. Do you snore? -
No, I don't think so, nobody has ever said so anyway.

3. Do you sleep walk? -
Same as above ^^

4. Do you sleep talk? -
Err, same as above again. :p

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? -
Don't have anything.

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? -
Stay up until 4.30am on the computer like right now? :p I usually read before bed.

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? -
Oh my gosh definitely a night owl! I rarely even see the morning! (Except the wee small hours haha). Ooops the street light in front of my house just turned off, guess it's morning now - an early bird then. :p

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? -
Well during school time, about 8am, but yesterday was Monday and I woke up at 1pm.:D
1. How do you sleep?
On my front, sometimes on either one of my sides.

2. Do you snore? No.

3. Do you sleep walk? I rarely do.

4. Do you sleep talk? Yes all the time

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did?

One time I was staying the night at my older sister's house with my (twin) sister. Apparently we had fought in our sleep and were cussing at each other! We were only like 12 when this happened!

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? I just started this but I can't go to sleep without the tv on. I have to have noise. I used to not be able to sleep with the tv unless I was sick. It just started this summer.

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Both.

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? Depends on what time I went to bed the night before. During school I get up at 6:00. But during summer, early (if i set my alarm) but usually anywhere from 9 to 12. lol
Take this short quiz - just thought it would be interesting to see if people snore etc if you think its silly just dont do it LOL

1. How do you sleep?

1. Curled up in a ball
2. On your back
3. On your front Sometimes like this
4. On your left Most of the time like this
5. On your right
6. Other

2. Do you snore? No

3. Do you sleep walk? used to

4. Do you sleep talk? yes lol

5. Tell us one of the times you sleep walked or talked and what you said or did? One for each.I was about 10..I got up in the middle of the night and my mom was up getting a glass of water and I told her 'I'm going to the washroom' and she looked at me and I walked out the front door and down the hall (that time i lived in a building). She chased after me while taking pictures.

I fell asleep on the couch when i was about..12 and my mom 'woke' me up and said 'Brandy you have to go to bed now' and I sat up and motioned like i was putting something under the couch and mybrother asked 'what are you doing' and I said ' Putting moms kids under the couch'. LOL. They laughed and laughed and din't exactly wake me up, they both kept talking to me while I was sleeping and supposidle it was Helarious.

6. Is there something you have to do otherwise you can't sleep? I cant fall asleep if I don't know where my cell phone is, and if it's not in my hand. Yes, I sleep with my cell phone in my hand or I cannot sleep.

7. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Night owl.

8. What time do you get up on a Monday morning? Right now, I have no school so pretty much anytime I want unless I need to be somewhere.
