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May 28, 2005
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This may be somewhat of and off question, but how do you know if a male hasnt already been nutered?
I have rats, and on the males, the genitals are EXTREMELY obviouse,even without flipping the rat. Is this the same with rabbits?

When I got Buster I never even checked to see if he was a male. Ijust took my friends word on it. And I think she took the word of theHumane society. So how would I know if he hasnt already been nutered?Is there a way I can check here at home? Because from what I can seefrom never flipping Buster, there are no obviouse male....accesories.
Rabbits have to be flipped to see, but maleshave testicles on either side of the tail. Usually they are quiteobvious, especially on larger breeds.

I have NEVER seenNimue's "ManParts" I think that is becauseNimue was neutered at like4 months, which was like RIGHT when he was able to be neutered. He isall covered now,so no showing anything....ever...omg I woulddie...


There's sacks on both sides right below thetail....I can even see em on my not quite 5 month old Holland Lop...Mymini was neutered at about 4 months and you could see em on him too.....
You can plan onthe fact of him coming from aHumane Society that hehas been neutered , they let no aniimalout of there untill they have been spayedor neutered ,

What really grates me is theyhave some of the most paperedanimals and altered them all ,ruining any ones chance of showing themif that is what they are looking for, I contacted one in aneighboring state about a Ped.Rabbit and when she said itwas altered I asked her why ?he response was WE ALTER ALL ANIMALS ,papered or not . to which Iresponded well then you just lostan adoption to over vealousesurgery , I was looking for aShow animal for my Grandaughterand you took that abilityaway. Any Rabbit whois going to be shown hasto be intact . her basicresponse to that was too badso sad , that response initself totally put me offadopting any rabbits theua shelter , I willjust continue on the way Iam with my own rescue , andhave since procured 3 nicewell Pedagreed animals forCassi to show .
Oh, Bethany!!! You can tell!!! My Hubby wisheshe was "hung" like our "newbie, Mr. Tibbs!!! They dangle in the breezeand hit the ground as he hops! I would think that would hurt, just abit! He will lose them soon, thank goodness (he may not think so, but Ido!!). :groupparty::groupparty:
Thats awesome! I bet he really is nuetered then.Unless, of course...He is really a she. I'm getting his nails clippedin a couple weeks. I'll ask the vet to check real quick while they dothat.
samandshawn wrote:
Shawn's are very visible when hes lying on his side as theypoke out theback:laugh: roflpink sausages rofl

i imagine unless you have been told they are neutered it will be hardto tell. cadbury was neutered after he came here into rescueand we decided to keep him but by looking you would think he is stillin tact.
My guy was neutered right after his testiclesdropped. He went to the vet with obvious testicles.They looked like grapes, after the neuter they now look likerasins. I can see the sacs, but they are just,uh...shrivled.
Now, I am REALLLLY confused! According toeveryone here, testicles on a male are really obvious....I waspretty certain that he was a male, but am not too sure now.

He looks like he has testicles, but they're real small (about the sizeof raisins or grapes). The little girl that I "got" him from said thathe might gave been neutered, but I think "he" was only about threemonths when she got him. She also only paid $20.00 at a pet shop forhim, so that doesn't seem right....

Lastly, a couple of days ago, I possibly met one of his siblings. (DonCheeto and Cocoa were purchased at the same time buy two friends)According to the information I have read, males tend to have a moresquare like face. Cocoa is substancially bigger (a little on the heavyside too) and definately has a very square , broader face.

Can kits from the little look like they might be different breeds?

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