Well-Known Member
How do you know if you're feeding your bun(s) enough?
All of my bunnies seem to be acting ravenous when feeding time comes around. I know many of you on the board have rabbits that gulp down their pellets as soon as they're put in their dish, but my bunnies have never been that type. Well, up until now. And it has me a bit concerned about whether I'm feeding them enough.
Everybuns weight is stable. Iweigh thembi-weekly and no one has dropped a considerable amount of weight. Shasta, Shiloh, and Rhiannon are still growing and their weight reflects that. Potter and Chester have remained the same aside from maybe an ounce in either direction. They're all acting normally (for them, anyway) and nothing seems off, but their change in reaction to feeding time has me a bit perplexed. I haven't changed their food and they get the same amount now as they always have before. And while it's summer now and quite warm and humid outside, the indoor temperature is as it always is. So, could it be that I'm not feeding them enough? Or what?
Name: Potter McBunny
Age: 4 years
Breed: Dutch
Weight: 4.5 lbs.
- 1/8 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy) morning and evening; 2 cups fresh veggies in the morning; 1 papaya cube in the morning; 1 slice of banana or apple in the evening along with another healthy treat; unlimited hay and water (1 teaspoon of oats 2-3 times per week).
Name: Chester
Age: 2.5 years
Breed: Mixed
Weight: 5.25 lbs.
- 1/8 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy) morning and evening; 2 cups fresh veggies in the morning; 1 papaya cube in the morning; 1 slice of banana or apple in the evening along with another healthy treat; unlimited hay and water (1 teaspoon of oats 2-3 times per week).
Name: Shasta
Age: 5 months
Breed: Dutch Mix
Weight: 3 lbs.
- 1/3 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy and Alfalfa Blend) morning and evening; 1 cup fresh veggies in the morning; 1 papaya cube in the morning; 1 slice of banana or apple in the evening along with another healthy treat; unlimited hay and water (1 teaspoon of oats 3-4 times per week).
Name: Shiloh
Age: 5 months
Breed: Dutch Mix
Weight: 3.25 lbs.
-1/3 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy and Alfalfa Blend) morning and evening; 1 cup fresh veggies in the morning; 1 papaya cube in the morning; 1 slice of banana or apple in the evening along with another healthy treat; unlimited hay and water (1 teaspoon of oats 3-4 times per week).
Name: Rhiannon
Age: 4 months
Breed: Tan
Weight: 2.5 lbs.
- 1/2 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy and Alfalfa Blend) morning and evening; 1 teaspoon oats in the evening; unlimited hay and water (and the occasional taste of greens, banana, papaya, or apple - not consistently though due to her age).
Does this sound good? Or am I way off? I've not changed anything and they seem to be doing well, growing, and/or thriving. I'm probably just being a worried bunny mom, but what can I say?
Please share what you're feeding your buns and how that has or hasn't worked. All experiences and thoughts are welcome.
All of my bunnies seem to be acting ravenous when feeding time comes around. I know many of you on the board have rabbits that gulp down their pellets as soon as they're put in their dish, but my bunnies have never been that type. Well, up until now. And it has me a bit concerned about whether I'm feeding them enough.
Everybuns weight is stable. Iweigh thembi-weekly and no one has dropped a considerable amount of weight. Shasta, Shiloh, and Rhiannon are still growing and their weight reflects that. Potter and Chester have remained the same aside from maybe an ounce in either direction. They're all acting normally (for them, anyway) and nothing seems off, but their change in reaction to feeding time has me a bit perplexed. I haven't changed their food and they get the same amount now as they always have before. And while it's summer now and quite warm and humid outside, the indoor temperature is as it always is. So, could it be that I'm not feeding them enough? Or what?
Name: Potter McBunny
Age: 4 years
Breed: Dutch
Weight: 4.5 lbs.
- 1/8 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy) morning and evening; 2 cups fresh veggies in the morning; 1 papaya cube in the morning; 1 slice of banana or apple in the evening along with another healthy treat; unlimited hay and water (1 teaspoon of oats 2-3 times per week).
Name: Chester
Age: 2.5 years
Breed: Mixed
Weight: 5.25 lbs.
- 1/8 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy) morning and evening; 2 cups fresh veggies in the morning; 1 papaya cube in the morning; 1 slice of banana or apple in the evening along with another healthy treat; unlimited hay and water (1 teaspoon of oats 2-3 times per week).
Name: Shasta
Age: 5 months
Breed: Dutch Mix
Weight: 3 lbs.
- 1/3 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy and Alfalfa Blend) morning and evening; 1 cup fresh veggies in the morning; 1 papaya cube in the morning; 1 slice of banana or apple in the evening along with another healthy treat; unlimited hay and water (1 teaspoon of oats 3-4 times per week).
Name: Shiloh
Age: 5 months
Breed: Dutch Mix
Weight: 3.25 lbs.
-1/3 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy and Alfalfa Blend) morning and evening; 1 cup fresh veggies in the morning; 1 papaya cube in the morning; 1 slice of banana or apple in the evening along with another healthy treat; unlimited hay and water (1 teaspoon of oats 3-4 times per week).
Name: Rhiannon
Age: 4 months
Breed: Tan
Weight: 2.5 lbs.
- 1/2 cup pellets (Sweet Meadow/Timothy and Alfalfa Blend) morning and evening; 1 teaspoon oats in the evening; unlimited hay and water (and the occasional taste of greens, banana, papaya, or apple - not consistently though due to her age).
Does this sound good? Or am I way off? I've not changed anything and they seem to be doing well, growing, and/or thriving. I'm probably just being a worried bunny mom, but what can I say?
Please share what you're feeding your buns and how that has or hasn't worked. All experiences and thoughts are welcome.