How do you clean a bunny's butt?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
, , USA
Quick question. How do you clean a bunny'sunderside. My sister wants to clean Amber'sunderside becauseshe is very dirty, but she is not cooperating. Any tips?
make a bunny burrito!! .. wrap a dish cloth orsmall towel around the bun secure enough that she cant get away and youshould have access to clean her bum with no problem.. good luck!
If they are very dirty i put them in my bathroomsink in a small amount of warm water with a little shampoo.i never wetthe whole rabbit.bluebird
Use a small amount of soap and water, I haveused Fairy a good quality mild one. Do not ever use a pyrethrumcontaing "Rabbit Shampoo" as this is what killed the lovely girlLionhead pictured. The label admitted that pyrethrum was poisionous butjust said to rinse. So as well as killing the rabbit she got very upsetfrom a thorough rinsing. The brand here (UK) was Bob Martens , justavoid this style of product.
I would agree with Freddy's mom. Although, ifsomewhat that approach doesn't work try holding your bun a way whichyour hand slips behind ur buns toosh and your other free handunderneath there first two arms. After that, go to a sink and placeyour buns toosh on the edge of the sink and rinse it there. If yourbuns starts to jump, just put her into a trace which will soon relaxher. Good luck with the rinsing!


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