How Do You Care For A Bunny In The Winter When You Can't Keep It Inside

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Jun 4, 2005
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I live in minnesota and am think ofgetting a buddy well really two bunny. But i have allgeric and i can'tlet them inside the house during the cold wintersso i waswondering if i could get like a dog house type thing. Would that work?And if it wouldn't what would?
I really do not think a rabbits for you if youhave an allergy.Rabbits need an awfull lot of hands onattention'regular cleaning out and physical contact'would'nt a guineapig be better for you they are very friendly i have 3.;)
Outdoors you would be better off with a hutch,preferably in a shed or similar for warmth, I no some of the members onhere are allergic to their buns and take things to help.Hopefully someone will post who knows what to take, but Ifyou are that allergic then I would think long and hard about getting abun, because what will happen if you get the buns and find out that youcant cope with the allergy and have to get rid of them?
My rabbits live outside and they have a veryhappy life so you don't have to keep rabbits inside too make themhappy. Buy your rabbits a LARGE hutch, the biggest you can find. Put itsomewhere sheltered ie not facing wind and against a wall or building.I put LOTS of bedding in the hutch in the winter but make sure it isdust extracted as you don't want your bunnies getting respitoryproblems. I have an old horse blanket over my hutch but it leaves thefront open (so it dosen't cover the bit they look out) then at night icover the front over with an old coat but leave a small gap to makesure they have air. Make sure to let your bunnies out in a big run foras long as possible each day and give them shelter and a bolt-hole inthis run aswell as water (oh yes make sure the water doesn't frezzeover). Buy your bunnies plenty of toys and get two as rabbits are veryfriendly and NEED another rabbit. Two sisters work well. Apart fromthat make sure you give them plenty of attention. I have to stress thatthis is very important. If you are allergic then i wouldSTRONGLY advise not to get rabbits as they need lots of attention.Please considor the lives of these rabbits before you buy them. After awhile the novelty factor wears off but your bunnies still need lookingafter for the rest of their lives!! Plus if you treat your rabbits welland give them lots of attention they are brilliant pets.
I argee with Onnie dont get rabbits if you arereally bad as you might get them then it would be too much and youwould have to give them up and that is not easy trust me youcould get a fish lol. or a lizard
I'm with you on this one, Onnie!! Another thing,I can't see someone shoveling through the snow, and tramping out to ahutch at least 4 times a day, just to change the frozen water bottles!JustWondering54...I would give this idea a lot of thought. Outdoor Bunsare cute in the spring, summer, and fall. Once winter sets in, and it's-30 degrees, that hutch is going to seem like it's miles away!!! Evenif a blizzard is raging, you're going to have to go out there, manytimes a day, to change the water bottles, to feed them, and to makesure they are warm, and safe. Plus, you still have to clean thosehutches!!! Being that you are allergic to them, I think you shouldconsider a dog with hair, NOT FUR, like a poodle.

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