I'm with you on this one, Onnie!! Another thing,I can't see someone shoveling through the snow, and tramping out to ahutch at least 4 times a day, just to change the frozen water bottles!JustWondering54...I would give this idea a lot of thought. Outdoor Bunsare cute in the spring, summer, and fall. Once winter sets in, and it's-30 degrees, that hutch is going to seem like it's miles away!!! Evenif a blizzard is raging, you're going to have to go out there, manytimes a day, to change the water bottles, to feed them, and to makesure they are warm, and safe. Plus, you still have to clean thosehutches!!! Being that you are allergic to them, I think you shouldconsider a dog with hair, NOT FUR, like a poodle.