How do you advertise your rabbitry other than a website...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
There are a couple of things I'm wanting to do to advertise my website a bit more. I thought I'd share them and then open up the thread for other ideas. I've also asked Julie to share her idea so you can contact her.

One of the things I've thought about doing - is going to VistaPrint (where I get my business cards) and doing a t-shirt with the same design as my business cards - so I can wear that to shows. They often offer a free t-shirt special where all you have to pay is shipping (and maybe for the uploaded design - I forget).

I'm also thinking about doing a car magnet with the same logo/design to put on my car when I go to shows. (Sure would make picking out my white van a lot easier).

Finally - I've been "testing" ads on facebook for the last few days - just to see how it worked towards getting people to go to my website. (I had a $50 ad credit from my website host for doing this). When I have spent $10 - I will stop the ads until I'm ready to have bunnies for sale.

So far I've spent a total of $3.57 of the $50 credit. My ads have shown up 28,000 times - of which 16,000 were targeted for Texas residents only. Out of that - I've had 17 visitors to my website - of which 10 were Texas residents.

Anyway - that's what I've been doing.

Julie - will you share your idea and then folks can contact you if they want more information?


And everyone else - share how you get the word out!
I'm pretty simple in advertising.

Ads go on NWReporter and a few other yahoo groups.
A flyer gets put out at the two local feed stores.
Word of mouth/email to other breeders I work with in similar varieties.
And taking the rabbits, and putting for sale signs up at shows.

In the future I'd like to do business cards and T-Shirts, but I'd rather focus on getting my website up and running smoothly before I take on another big project.
I'm a very strong supporter in business cards, as they can go a LONG way in advertisement.

Much like Shaded Night, we post flyers at local feed stores and rabbit shows. Having your logo on your grooming table, cages, and apron at shows also helps out a lot. Some breeders have gone as far as painting their rabbitry logos on their trailers that they bring to the shows as well.

I know some rabbitries will have a very nice permanent sign made and posted outside their house about having rabbits for sale. Personally, I don't advocate this as I'm too paranoid about people coming by unexpectedly and/or stealing rabbits. But it does work quite well for some people.
Aside from my website, I use a few online classifieds sites, but mostly word of mouth!

You're all welcome to check out my website, which includes a link to a breeder directory on the links page. And also a link to my online store, where you can order breed specific merchandise to wear to shows! :)
I advertise by posting on Craigslist, Kijiji, and Hoobly and linking my website in those ads which gets more hits for my website.

I also recently just put up a flyer at my local feed store, and of course when I go to shows I do put up signs if I have rabbits for sale.... Although I should start advertising if I don't have bunnies for sale, in order to take reservations.

I e-mailed my 4-H leader about what I have available and she sent the e-mail out to everyone in the club, and every bunny person in her contacts.

That's pretty much all I do.
I don't do much advertising any more. All i have to do lately is show up at a show, put up a sign, and that's it. Sometimes i don't even have to do that if people have contacted me through someone else.

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